Monday, December 28, 2009

You can all start calling me Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell

I'm behind on my reading. I picked up Ulysses on the ride to work this morning and realized that I had over 120 pages to read before tomorrow's meeting. I've already got through over 30 of them, which is why I've decided that I could take some time out to blog. Mad props to PMRob for dropping the knowledge that Ulysses is available to read online. For some reason I think it looks better if I'm at my desk reading a webpage than with a book open...

Strange set of dreams last night. The first began at a party. I believe we were near the university. Everything was going well until we realized that we were almost out of wine. EmRu was going to drive to her house to get more and I decided to tag along. We chatted off an on but mostly I was playing with my G1 phone. I'd just got it and was in awe. We arrived at her place, which was my old place in the U-district at the bottom of the steps of death. She returned to the car with many bottles of wine and we headed back to the party. Before we returned I woke up.

I got dressed and went to meet with PMRob. We had plans to do something and on our way I told him about the dream I had and how I had to go buy a G1 because my dreams were telling me that it was essential. He immediately agreed and changed course to go there instead of our predetermined destination. We went to the TMobile store at 85th and bought the G1 from a sales associate that we both had talked to before. While we were there PMRob freaked out after the sales manager had asked him multiple times if she could help him with anything. I thought he was going to shoot up the place. I quickly completed the transaction in order to diffuse the situation and we left. Then we were driving around for a while as I got the phone set up. We decided to get back to the original plan. We were driving for sometime, I still had no idea where but before I fully understood what our destination was I woke up.

I was late and had to rush out of my house. I was supposed to met with NESF, BK and Stoner for some kind of event at a school. I ran down to the 7-11 where I ran into JSh, MNom, and Mr Quick. MNom had a case of PBR's. I wondered why we needed beer for a school event but that didn't really matter. I asked them where the others were and I was told that BK and Stoner were on their way to Shelton. "Shelton!" I exclaimed. Mr Quick then explained to me that we were going to a local school while BK and Stoner were being sent out to Shelton and that they boarded a ferry 45 minutes prior. NESF then rolled up in an old station wagon that must have been manufactured in Europe as the drivers side was opposite what us Americans are accustom to. We loaded into the car and I relayed the previous dreams to everyone at which point it was agreed that I should get a G1 phone after the event. We were arriving at the school when I woke up.

I was lying in bed thinking about what time I had to go to work when my sister came in. This is when I first realized that I wasn't in my bed now, but the bed I had 10 years ago at my parents house. She was trying to get me out of bed to help her decide which color hangers matched best with different shirts she was hanging in her closet. There were dozens of colored hangers and even more clothes. I was still laying in bed while she held up various color combinations. I quickly gave my advice about which went best where. As soon as that was done I started to say, "You're not going to believe this series of dreams I just had." "Oh yeah?" she replied. The room then filled with a shrill noise, that turned out to be my alarm. I was so disoriented when it went off I ended up overturning my bedside table.

This time I was really awake and covered in water that spilled...

Went down to the Locks yesterday. Love that place...

Seriously, Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell has got to be one of the best names of all time...

1 comment:

  1. The stairs of death covered in ivy that smelled like balls??? Oh, the memories...
