Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"When death call I'm good I got call ID"

This is rapidly becoming my favorite Method Man cut. The chill beats and L Hill sample make it more approachable than a lot of his stuff. However the rhymes are solid through and through. Just goes to show that we all get tired of the bullshit some days...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"I was given this world I didn't make it"

It's tracks like this that made "The Man" afraid of 2pac. Empowering oppressed people with positive reinforcement can be the most effective method of change. Put the guns/drugs/etc down and keep ya head up. I hope that people still realize that...

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Sour Civil War Killed The Dream of Lying Awake Backstage.

I'm a bit sour on blogging lately. I'm hoping that by blogging it'll help me get over it. It usually works...

Seems like half the country is pissed off. Really pissed off. I've heard mention of civil war half a dozen times in the last week. Strange to think about a civil war in the USA. I think that the state government should pass some measure as a fail safe. Essentially that in the event of civil war the state of Washington would then become an autonomous nation that is to remain neutral. I bet Cali and Oregon would sign on with us. Let everyone else fight it out while we just chill. It's the west coast way...

We're all gonna die out here. We just don't now when...

Had a dream last night that I was house sitting my Grandma's place. She was out of town for like a month and I was trying to make sure everything was exactly how she left it. Somehow things got out of control and there was a massive party. I kept telling everyone they shouldn't be there, but no one listened to me. They all just kept inviting more people. Even her neighbors were in on the scene. Moral of the story: Grandma don't ask me to house sit for you, no matter what I do it'll end up badly...

As I was tring to fall asleep last night I couldn't. I often find myself thinking about random things when this happens. Last night I thought about domesticated farm animals and what the proper techniques are to avoid inbreeding. Then I thought about whether these things we considered in past ages. Finally I got bored with that thought and moved on to defensive architecture. Turrets and the like. That shifted to muslim architecture. Beautiful mosaics and minarets. When I move to a farm I hope that my property is protected with turrents with a giant minaret in the center. So I know which way to pray...

I went backstage at the Paramount on Sunday. It was this tour thing I went on with PMRob. Kinda cool. Definitely gives a different perspective...

Friday, March 26, 2010

This is where I want to live:

I'm spent on life in a lot of ways right now

I was going to blog a list of all the things that I'm "tired" of today. Everything from Facebook to work to hipsters to drug paraphernalia on the street. I thought about it for a while and I'm not going to do that.

Then I thought about writing an epic post consisting of random thoughts about sports and my personal life that eventually all turns out to be a dream with a place for commentary in a message board at the end. I'm not going to do that either.

Instead I'm just going to leave you with these...

No more game for free

Thursday, March 25, 2010

This aggression will not stand!

A 7 driver was assaulted today. Hit in the jaw. At Orcas and Rainier. The same bus stop that I used to use everyday when I lived on Lucile. This makes me angry. I hope that they catch the guy and cane him till he bleeds.

I'd include a picture here but the only ones I think are appropriate are a bit graphic for me to post here. Yeah, too graphic for me to post. That's a statement.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Healthcare Reform

Everyone's got their own opinion. In the last two days I've heard a lot of them. I have this horrible trait about me that I can't step down from a political debate. The way I see it the bill's not perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than it was. I don't know what everyone else heard in the 2008 campaign, but I took it as a vote for Obama was a vote for Healthcare Reform and I for one am pleased that he followed through on that promise. Having recently seen how much medical bills can cost now a days I can say with certainty that we needed change. However I don't have time to argue with everyone one out there that's convinced we've turned ourselves into a Marxist society that is going to be spending tax dollars on illegal immigrants (many of whom pay taxes btw). My time is better spent doing things like blogging about tusks or cruising Youtube. So, I am officially stepped out of the ring on the healthcare reform debate. I don't want to hear any more about it.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm late for a date with other like minded individuals where we'll be dining on aborted fetuses and discussing how to move forward with the underhanded treachery needed to force the citizens of America into an Orwellian utopia. Peace.

I don't pull me down

I've had a couple people make mention of my gtalk status. Hopefully this will clear somethings up for those of you who didn't already know...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Oh where to start...

My bracket's busted. So is everyone else's. I wasn't too serious about mine so I don't feel that badly. At least UW is still in it. I've never been much for basketball in the past. I think it's because I've never really watched NCAA basketball. I find it more entertaining than NBA. It's also shorter so it keeps my attention more...

Healthcare reform passed. I'm happy about that. It's been interesting to see peoples responses. It really highlights how uninformed a lot of people are. (Many still think that it includes the public option) I think that most Americans support the reform, what they don't support is the process. Whatever though. I guess it has two possible outcomes now. It either works and people realize that it's there to protect them from corporate greed or it doesn't and it leads to the collapse of the American empire. Either way I'd see it as a win...

I got a laptop (thanks Dad!!) I'm pretty excited. It's an older one, but it'll do anything I could want it to. I like the fact that I'm going to be able to write in various places without having to retype it later...

Speaking of writing. I just realized that I'm 1/4 of the way through my Metro project. Well I should say an estimated 1/4. I've got 3 chapters down. I'm pretty happy with it all so far. I'm hoping to have a first draft completed by the end of the year. We'll see if that happens...

Horrible experience on the bus this morning. Immediately it was apparent that the shocks on the bus were broken. Every little bump sent everyone flying in the lounge. It made reading extremely difficult. Then to top it off the fallen shock made it so that every time the bus turned it burnt the rubber and caused the bus to fill with the most horrid smell. This then combined with an eccentric woman (possible tweaker) who would laugh maniacally with every bounce and then force conversation with everyone of us. The kind of nonsense I'd expect on the 7 not the 18X...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Don't hate

Sorry about the lack of blogs this week. Actually. I'm not sorry. That's just how its been. Deal with it. I've been busy with other things. Not really. That's a lie and we all know it. I just haven't had much to say...

I hope that they pass HCR this weekend. The fact that it's taken 16 months is absurd and if it fails this weekend we'll be doomed to the fate described in the upcoming movie "Repomen"...

I've taken to listening to a lot of 80s pop music. There was some great stuff back then. Here's a video. I guess the performance is recent, but the song is classic...

Ah hell, one more...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day!!!

It's that one day a year when everyone is Irish. I, however, am Irish every day. I didn't go to the parade this year, kinda bummed about that. I didn't realize it was last weekend until about 20 minutes before it started. It'll be okay though, I'll just have to do something super Irish to make up for it. I think that PMRob is making a corned beef so I'm going to crash that party. This weekend I'll probably be doing my own Irish feast. Usually I take the day off work, but being as it's in the middle of the week and I only have a few vacation days left I decided to suffer through it. I could really go for a beer right now though. It's strange to wake up on St Patrick's Day and not start drinking immediately.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Another afternoon at 12th and Jackson

I went up to the Saigon Deli to grab some lunch for myself and a couple of coworkers. Everything was normal until I left the deli. It was raining so I decided to catch a 7 down the hill. As I approached the bus stop I realized that I probably should have just walked.

It began with a woman, probably about 4 feet tall, of Asian decent. She was wearing a heavy coat the covered her entire body except her face. She looked up at me, "Do you know the time." "Yeah, sure," I reached for my phone. As I was getting it out she looked down the street and said, "shit", before turning away quickly. I turned to see a gentlemen approaching fast.

This man was probably in his early 40s sporting a five o'clock shadow at noon. He was wearing a pin stripped suit, the shirt of which was not tucked in. He went passed me with an intent look in his eyes and approached the woman. He loomed over her, as if to maximize his intimidation, as she quivered near the building. He spoke in a whisper but the look on his face indicated that his words were intense.

As this scene seemed to be coming to a head another man approached the area. I've seen him many times before and none of our encounters were ever pleasant (in the past he's accused me of being Satan). He's a middle aged Asian man with a beard that makes him look like some kind of monk. Today he was carrying a 7 foot long bamboo bo. As he walked up to the stop he was going back and forth between trying to vend copies of real change and performing some sort of martial art with the weapon. During this time he nearly hit an elderly woman in the face, who ran behind me, giving me a look that suggested she wanted my protection. The man then looked at me and simply said, "you..." before squinting his eyes and stationing himself within the bus shelter.
"Great," I thought to myself. And just as I was about to leave the situation I saw the 7 approach. Thank the maker.

At this point the man in the suit was still speaking to the woman he'd corned, however a new group of guys had shown up. They seemed to be siding with the woman and a shouting match broke out. None of what they were saying made any sense to me. It was English, just not coherent. This is when I figured whatever their problem was I was sure it had to do with drugs.

The bus arrived and many elderly people disembarked. This took some time. The man with the bo was standing right by the door, partially blocking their exit path. The bus driver noticed me standing a ways back and motioned to me that he'd opened the back door. I got onto the bus and sat down.

Then the man with the bo entered. He took notice of me sitting just before the articulation in the bus. As he walked by he squinted again and without warning made a motion that suggested he was going to strike me with his bo. He slammed the piece of bamboo into the metal vertical hand rails, the sound echo'd through the bus causing everyone to turn and investigate it's origin. He then bore his teeth in one of the most twisted smiles I'd ever seen, before moving all the way to the back of the bus and taking a seat.

3:21pm UPDATE: I completely forgot to mention that one of the people getting off the bus was a man in his early twenties with a jacket wrapped around his waste, pants hanging low (almost to his knees), wearing a g-string (exposed by his sagging pants) and a bright red bra stuffed with some thing flesh colored. Can't believe I forgot that part, it was pretty memorable.

Smells like maple syrup

Ugh, I'm not ready for today, hence the early morning post. It helps me to avoid reality...

My neck is all fucked up. Yesterday the left side was sore. Thought I slept on it wrong. Today the right side is sore. I think I'm dying. If my head snaps off from the rest of my body don't be surprised. Just do me a favor and find some super glue to reattach it...

I'm stuck on the Plastic Beach. Can't get enough of it. It's just so damn good...

PMRob got rabies at the Blue Moon last night. I think that you all should take extreme caution if you're going there. Don't trust any dogs, no matter how friendly they might seem. You'll get the "ichy bump"...

I caught an earlier bus to work this morning. Whenever I do there is a certain man on the bus. He's very memorable because he is always wearing aquasocks with individual toes. You know those weird shoes you wear in a pool. I'm very interested by this. I want to know more, but I just can't bring myself to be like, "Hey dude, what's with the socks. You a merman of sorts?"...

It's a beautiful day in Seattle. 46 degrees with a drizzle. I woke up in a great mood and I think it's because of the rain. So far this winter we haven't seemed to have much rain. I think it's because when it's been raining its just been pouring buckets and then nothing for days. I prefer a light misting over months. Hopefully that's how our spring will turn out...

I guess that's all for now...

WAIT!!! I should mention that this weeks episode of LOST was amazing. Now that's everything...

Monday, March 8, 2010

And you want somebody you don’t have to speak to

The NESF brought this track to the forefront today. It's amazing. I was saying that it might be my favorite track on the Highway, but only if you don't count Desolation Row (it's more of a stand alone in my world). If you've never sat down and taken the time to listen to this cut I'd highly recommend it.

Now if only I understood the purpose of the "approximately". For a long time I took it as Dylan's way of making us question the reality of the context and adding a sense of surreality to the song. I still think it's that. However it doesn't really matter. Maybe I should make that statement more drastic, probably not...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Druids Neon Mill

I've been playing around with anagrams for the last couple days. Here's some funny/interesting ones:

A Louder Mind Nils
Add Urine Mills No
Laddie Oil Mrs Nun
A Mined Drill On Us
Radons Illumined
Rams Unlined Idol
Moan Sullied Rind
Lunar Mined Idols
Mild Loan Insured
Maul Ridden Lions
Unmoral Idled Sin
Mall Dried Unison
Animus Drilled On
Urinal Denim Sold
Nail Older Nudism
Marlin Nodules Id
Manlier Dud Loins
Damn Dull Ironies
Domain Under Ills
Island Lied Mourn
Android Menu Ills
Diamond Line Slur
Desomnia in Drull

The Five Towers

Last night I went to a house I'd never been to before. It was some kind of party with people I didn't recognize. We ate pizza and everyone took turns telling jokes. After some time we all decided to call it a night and found places to sleep. I took a table that converted into a bed. Above the table there was a television embedded in the wall. Everyone else seemed to fall asleep immediately as I tossed and turned. Finally I gave up on trying to sleep I switched on the tv in hopes of finding an infomercial to lull myself to sleep.

As I turned on the tv it starting streaming extremely hard core pornography with the volume blaring. People were instantly awoken. The first person awake was Adam Savage from mythbusters. He took my actions as a declaration of orgy, "I thought it'd be tomorrow before we got into this but that's cool". Everyone removed their clothes in a fraction of a moment. I, being caught horribly off guard, stood up and started to make my escape. I was almost to the door when three women tried to stop me. "Are we ugly, is that why you're leaving?" "No no you're beautiful I just wasn't expecting this." And before any of them could speak again I was gone.

It was dark and the moon struggled to provide light through the dense forest canopy above. There was nothing around the house, not even a road out. I wondered how myself and everyone else had got there, but didn't dwell on it. In the distance I could see a row of lights and decided to follow them. I walked for miles amazed that I was able to see them from such a far distance. Occasionally a squirrle would snicker from the trees mockingly. I continued on undeterred.

I reached the source of the lights to find it was much more than I orginally had anticipated. There was a small mountain, at the base the first of many tall smoothed brick buildings. The buildings were scattered around the mountain in an upwards spiral connected by steep staircases.

As I approached the first tower a voice without form instructed me to go inside. There were no doors, only arched entry ways on either side and inside the tower it was completely hollow. The tower must have been 4 stories high or better. The floor was tiled in a mosaic of granite and sandstone. There were no other decorations. High up a torch burning appeared that seemed to levitate in the center, surrounded by other lights of varying brightness. Suddenly a booming voice echoed down the walls. "Welcome, I am Zeus." Then another torch as bright as the first appeared above me and responded, "And I Hera." "What is this place," I asked. "That doesn't matter," Hera replied, "What matters is that you must go up." Her words were soft and comforting. "Go now!" Zeus demanded.

I left the first tower and continued up the stairs. The stairs were lined with boulders and small plants. The rocks glowed in the moonlight. The second tower was exactly the same, only there was no torch. As I walked in many torches appeared above me, some much brighter than others. "[Desomniac] you've taken your time in finding this place," one voice spoke out. "Who are you?" I said. "They have called me Horus." "What is this place? Why are there so many lights here." "There are many lights because there are many of us in this tower. You are in a place that has been waiting for you for some time. You must continue now. Come back again."

As I left I could hear voices behind me, as if all the torches were whispering amongst themselves. The next tower was also empty. I waited for a long while assuming that a torch would appear, but nothing. Then the initial voice that instructed me into the first tower spoke again and told me to move along, there was nothing to see yet.

The fourth tower had three torches within it, already burning bright when I arrived. As I went inside I was extremely fatigued from the climb and sat in the center of the floor. "What has taken you so long?" a voice said. "I was waiting in the last tower." "Why would wait?" another voice said. "I thought something would appear like before." "You thought wrong," a third voice said, "you have no knowledge of what lives in that tower." The first voice spoke again, "without knowing you will never know." I stood up, "I don't understand". The second voice spoke, "You have but one tower left." In unison they all spoke, "Go now!"

The fifth tower was much further up the mountain. The staircase became more like rock climbing. This tower seemed to be newer, not bearing the weathered appearance of the others. As I went inside I found that the floor was not yet finished and a pile of tiles sat near the doorway. I paced back and forth trying to understand what all had happened thus far. It wasn't long before the initial voice could be heard again. "There will be no light in this tower." "I don't understand." "No one knows of this tower yet. And no one ever will." "Why am I here?" "You have not completed the task yet. You must see what lies in all four towers." "I don't know what I'm missing." "I hope that one day you discover it or all of this might be lost."

The ground than began to shake. The midnight sky burst into a thunderous rain storm. I walked out of the tower to see what was happening and the sky was lit by a thousand lightning bolts. And I was back in my room.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's a good time for Superman

Sometimes in life there is absolutely nothing that you can do to change a situation. It's hard. Even harder when you want nothing more than to make it right, maybe not perfect, but at least better. However we only have so much influence on the actions of others. No matter how much we try to direct people in the right path they are always free to make whatever decision they want regardless of the impact those actions may make have on you or anyone else. It's one of the most frustrating aspects of life.

If I don't have any choice in the matter I just wish it wouldn't effect me at all. But I guess that's where fate plays into this whole thing...

Unmonitored Outlet #3

I'm in love with the idea of being in love, but I'm not in love with you...

Lost is starting to take over my life

Who am I kidding. It's not starting. It started months ago. Now it's in full and complete control.

Last nights episode of Lost was amazing! It doesn't matter if it's past, present, future, or alternate reality Sayid is and always will be a badass. I just hope that he doesn't end up being evil. I do believe that there is still good in him and am starting to think that he might be the key to ending FLocke's reign of terror (albeit probably sacrificing himself in the process).

So I was watching Untangled and end up cruising through the Lost Store and I've found a few things that I think I have to have:

And something that might just be better than overalls:

I think that there might be a Lost Halloween costume in my future. Oh hell, I wouldn't need a holiday to bust that out.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What do you think of when I say "yardcow"?

I asked this of three people today and here are their responses:

Person #1: "a fat lady gardening in a mumu?"

Person #2: "a cow that's approximately 3 feet long"

Person #3: "a small orange bird, indigenous to Albania...was I right?"

Personally I've always thought of a depressed cow in a pseudo-suburban setting. Kinda like this...

What do you think of?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Listen to Plastic Beach NOW!!!!

NPR is streaming the new Gorillaz album in it's entirety. I've just started listening to it, so I can't give you a review yet. But I thought I should share it ASAP.