Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Try and Stay Cool Out There

The Journey Continues

Thank the maker! It may be hot as all hell today, but I am so happy! I just got Lost Season 3. I've been waiting for weeks. I thought it would never come. Now I'm ready to power through 3 and 4. Good time too, since I can't sleep. Hopefully my mind is still there enough to understand what's going on, but worse case scenario I'll have to re-watch it, but I've already decided that I'm going to have to do that.

Critical System Failure

All non essential functions have ceased. My body is entering into survival mode. Symptoms include: inability to sleep, loss of appetite, sensory failure, and irritability. It wasn't supposed to be like this. What happened to our beautiful moderate climate?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The future's been sold

I know I just posted a Blur video, but this one is too perfect to pass up...

We're all gonna die out here

This town is so hot. They're saying that we could break the overall high temperature ever recorded. It's horrid. Last night in an effort to find ways to keep the house cool I shaded out all the windows and pried open the windows in the living room. I'd really love to kick the person that painted all the windows shut...

I really need to make a list of all the things I have left to do for the festival. I feel like something major is being over looked, but I usually feel that way it seems...

I can't get enough Blur. There are two things that I listen to when the mercury rises: blur and outkast. Nothing better...

I like the President's style. Like this whole nonsense between Gates and Crowley. So on Thursday both men will be joining the President in the White House for a meeting "about having a beer and de-escalation." This is great. If I had beef with someone thats how I'd go about solving it. Nice work Obama, but it does make me wonder...What kind of beer will they drink? Do they have a tap system in the White House or is it going to be served from bottles? Could the President make the mistake of serving macro brewed swill and only inflame the situation more? Hopefully we'll learn the answers to these questions and many more in time...

I sleep alone

Monday, July 27, 2009

I guess I am a scout - So I should find a way out

I can't get enough of The Whale Song. It's genius...

This week is crunch time for the Festival. If you're coming check out this post to get the latest update!...

I had a very strange dream over the weekend. I was going to the bank, but for some reason I couldn't find one in Seattle and had to take a bus to Portland. Once we got there the bus drove down these alleys for miles. I was frantic that at some point I'd miss the bank, but luckily the bus allowed me to depart right in front of the door. The building was dilapidated and appeared more like a crack house than a bank. Once I got inside there was a large rotunda where many people were all standing about. At first I thought they were all in line, until I realized that none of the tellers were occupied. I moved to speak with one and tripped over a small step that led into what appeared to be a pit of sort that was lined with tellers. I went up to the most non offensive looking window and a woman was there to help me, or so I thought. When I reached her everything went wrong. I didn't have my account number so she confiscated my debit card and cut it to pieces in front of me. Then I deposited a check and attempted to withdraw some of the funds. I was told that I could only take out $300, which I said I would like to do. She then excused herself for a moment and went to speak with someone who appeared to be the manager. His face was tattoo'd and the sleeves of his suit were cut off at the shoulder. They both leered at me as if they were deciding how to take me down. Finally he nodded and she returned to the window. She then told me that my withdrawal had been approved. She then then took $300 in unrolled change and threw it at me. It went everywhere. I rushed to pick it all up, thinking that other patrons were going to try to get it first. When I looked up I realized that I was the only one in the "pit" and all the other people in the bank, customer, employees, everyone was staring at me...

Got a bunch of beer kegged this weekend. It's a good thing...

Well I know I was a scout. I should've found a way out. So everyone could find a way out...

Friday, July 24, 2009

De⋅ci⋅sion  [di-sizh-uhn]


1. the act or process of deciding; determination, as of a question or doubt, by making a judgment: They must make a decision between these two contestants.
2. the act of or need for making up one's mind: This is a difficult decision.
3. something that is decided; resolution: He made a poor decision.
4. a judgment, as one formally pronounced by a court.
5. the quality of being decided; firmness: He spoke with decision.
6. the final score in any sport or contest: The decision was 5 to 4 in favor of the home team.

I had plans to go away for days

It's finally here. Tonight is Deerhunter. I'm leaving work early. I didn't really need to. But I figured that this is a treat to myself. I bought the tickets while I was still injured. I've now spent 2 months healing waiting for the point when I could go enjoy a show. Unfortunately I have this new foot problem, but as I told my colleague I'd go to this show even if my leg was gangrened and oozing puss. I wish it wasn't at the Block Party, but ob la di. It's going to be amazing...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hindu Art

The saint nobody has heard of

I'm going to live. Turns out the pain in my foot is most likely a result of having broken my foot and then redistributing my weight more to the left foot. I don't know. I just want to be able to walk...

I dreamed I was on the Island last night. I'm not sure what was happening there. I was on a table. People were all around me working. I don't remember anything else. Maybe I shouldn't watch Lost right before I go to sleep. But it's so good I can't stop myself...

There is a line in an Of Montreal song that I think about often. "And through many dreadful nights / I lay praying to a saint that nobody has heard of." I feel this way a lot. I've been thinking more about the intricacies of the divine lately. I haven't come to any new conclusions. I just want an undeniable truth, but the more I search the more blurred it all becomes. I guess it just means that I have more to learn. With every frustration, every misguided attempt, every error or success, I just have to remember that I'm getting closer to finding my absolute. I have to believe that if it were easy it wouldn't be as rewarding...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tunnel Talk

I'm not going to go off about the Tunnel here. But I think that you all should know that I'm displeased with the tunnel idea. Check out Wake Up Seattle...

It is happening again

Well not exactly like before. There's no pick ax this time. About 9 o'clock last night my left foot started to hurt (I broke my right foot). So I grabbed an ice pack, strapped it on and tried to sleep. As the night continued the pain grew along with the size of my foot. I woke up and could hardly walk. The worst part is that I have no idea what I might have done to it. I was fine yesterday. No problems walking home from the bus after work even. All I did last night was lay in bed and watch Lost. I'm going to the doctor today. Hopefully it's nothing and goes away quickly. My coworkers have me a little concerned about spiders though. I don't want to loose my foot because some little bug needed a meal or worse a place to incubate their young. Argh, I just need to stop thinking about it...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What a long day

I shouldn't have stayed up so late last night. I didn't get to bed till after 2am. I'm paying the price for it now. It was good times though. We played games: thirteen, pass the pigs and settlers of catan. Great crowd for it too. Well Mickey was a little intoxicated to play, but we made it work. Hopefully we do it again...


I would really like to go to this place. Thing is, I doubt that once I got there I'd be able to leave...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Frank Gerhy

I love this...

Byzantine art

A couple of news related remarks

I support a strong US-India relationship. India has set 2 sites for new reactors related to the new nuclear deal. This is progress. The US needs strong ties with India. They are on the verge of becoming a global powerhouse and the brightest beacon of democracy in the world...

Too many people get shot in my neighborhood. "Boys are dying on these streets." We need to stop killing each other...

Michael Vick should never be allowed to play in the NFL again...

We're on the cusp of a heat wave. I'm not looking forward to it...

The Link between BBQ's and Lost

Friday's BBQ was a blast! A buncha peoples came over. We ate. We drank. The NESF gave me a log. It was of great interest to the Himalayan man who assisted me at the convenience store. He told me to go to Nepal. One day...

I rode the Link light rail on Saturday. I haven't uploaded any of the pics and they're at home on my camera so I'm going to wait to do that big ol' post about that. I will say though, I had a good time...

So much Lost! I watched like 10 hours this weekend. I couldn't stop. So much is happening. I've decided that I like Jin. I think that Jack is kind of a cry baby and needs to chill out. WALT! Oh Walt. I hope they don't kill you. But I'm sure that Vincent will find you just as soon as Sayid kills that Analucia bitch. She's got to go at this point, but probably won't. I'm so addicted. I'll probably be up till 1 tonight watching more. I haven't gone to bed before 1 since I've had more episodes to watch and soon I'll have all of it up to season 4. Then I might have to convince my good buddy that we need to watch Season 5. Even if we have to stream it online...

Friday, July 17, 2009

I might be a carpenter yet

I built a table last night. Well I had lots of help. Maybe shout out to PMRob for the assist. And the Sharp Shooter for championing the saw and much much more. Couldn't have done it without you guys. We're one step closer to the festival...

Sometimes I wonder if she loves me back

I don't know who you are. But I assure you, I love you back.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

All we have is now - All we ever have is now

How are you?

I've become obsessed. Lost. I can't get enough. I have so many questions!!! Is Claire's baby the Antichrist? What'd Locke find in the woods? Is the Danielle really insane? Does Ethan eat people? Where the hell did that polar bear come from!? It's gotten so bad I just ordered seasons 2, 3 and 4 so that I don't have to wait for netflix to get the answers I want. I'm hoping to find a local place to get season one so I don't have to wait for shipping. Anyone who isn't familiar with the show I have two suggestions. First, start watching it now! It's amazing. Second, you might not want to read any of my post labeled "Lost" in case I get overly excited and start giving it all away...

I bought the wood last night to build the picnic table. I think I'm going to hit up Lowe's on my lunch break to get the bolts and stuff. If I'm really on the ball I'll get the thing built tonight. We'll see. It would be good since I'm going to have some peeps over for a BBQ. It will definitely be ready for the festival...

Oh the festival. It's only 15 days away. I hope we're ready. I also feel like I'm forgetting something major (the image that follows is the number one google image for "forgetting something major)...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I can't stand it anymore

I'm going to costco today. I'm going to buy so much food and then sit at home and eat it all in one long continuous sitting. Maybe I should schedule a colon cleaning now...

I'm going impatient for new Flaming Lips and Circulatory System...

I love random on my iPod. When would I ever think to follow up 2pac's "Fuck the World" with Bob Dylan's "Mr. Tambourine Man"?...

I'm also going to hit up home depot. Get some wood. Make a picnic table. Hopefully it turns out well. I've never build one before. I think I can do it though...

I have the best Dad ever. He's driving me all these places tonight...

I got the next disc of Lost to watch tonight. I can't wait. Actually if they have a good price on it at costco I might just buy the first season, maybe the second one too...

I was warned this morning that today was going to be hellish, but I didn't think it was going to be this bad...

West side...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


They're everywhere while I sleep. I woke up last night covered in bites. It was so bad I couldn't sleep for like half an hour. Most of them went away. But there are two that are holding strong. Both are at the base of my thumbs on either hand. It's irritating to type. All I want to do is scratch them. I can't handle this. I'm going mad. Those little fuckin' blood suckers are stealing my life force and I can't even stop them! Where am I safe if not in my own bed. I think that I'm going to have to get mosquito netting to sleep under. Then I would safe. Now it's time to listen to some Tool and take a break...

Sometimes things just hang around

I showed up for work 10 minutes early, as usual. I decided to turn my phone on 5 minutes early and the first phone call I got was a guy bitchin' about how I wasn't at my desk. What do these people expect from me? For me to just sit in the office my whole life waiting for their call about some stupid little part to a lock that they aren't even sure if it's broken or not?! Then to top it off while I'm screwing around with that guy I get three messages from people all complaining about how they can't get a hold of me. This is really turning into a bullshit gig. I need a vacation. 17 more days...

I woke up this morning and the box on my porch was still there. I don't know why, but I was really hoping it wouldn't be. When I got home last night I notice a cat laying underneath a van across from my house. I figured it was just sleeping and went about my business. An hour later it was still there and hadn't moved at all. A good number of neighbors were out and about so I asked them what was up. They all knew that the cat was dead, but didn't do anything about it. I got a box and a shovel. It's kind of sad, but it had to be done. I'm just not sure why it had to be me. Maybe it makes me a better person, probably not. The city is coming to pick it up later today...

There is a rose hanging from a peg board on my desk. It's been there for almost a year. I got it as part of a gift to commemorate my five year anniversary here. I find it depressing but for some reason never take it down. Hanging next to it is a hospital bracelet from when I was having severe chest pains. I don't know why I leave that up either...

Happy Bastille Day!

Monday, July 13, 2009


So I'm trying out new ideas for a banner. What do you think? The one that's up right now was done by NESF...

I'm also toying with this one (I'd have to add the text, but I'm struggling with image editing software right now)...

Any other thoughts? I'm actually wide open on this one. It could be a pic of almost anything. Let me know if you have any ideas...

Draft 6 - Complete

Well I've finished my sixth draft of 7. I hope to only have one more before a final product is available. I think that the biggest change is that I've replaced James Dean. Dean wasn't really the person I needed for that scene. Jesse Helms has taken his place. It's much more fitting that way. Here's a revised excerpt...

...Jesse clears the excess phlegm from his throat before turning to a man, probably in his late twenties, next to him, “These kids today, they’ve got no respect for anything. Parents just let em do whatever they want.” The man, dressed in brilliantly colored fabric most likely assembled on his personal sewing machine, remained silent. James snorts slightly, “Know what I mean?” The man looks up at Jesse and with a very plain and straight face says, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Jesse lets out a painful bout of laughter that causes small amounts of liquid to spray from the open wound in his neck, “Why would you son. You’re probably just as bad as they are.”

If you risk the party food you might get Lost...

I had a very low key weekend...

Played RISK. I lost. Well I pretty much did it to myself. Probably too much wine. I'm also not the best war leader. I'm more of a peacemonger. So when it all starts to hit the fan I buckle. Oh well. I had a blast...

Went over to my sisters for a birthday party. They had a bouncy castle and sumo suits. It was pretty comical actually. There were way too many little people for my taste but I'm beginning to realize that is something I'm not going to be able to avoid much anymore. Great food too...

Speaking of great food. My brother-in-law has agreed to man the BBQ at the festival! WOO HOO! (He's really good at it)...

Now for the what is probably going to turn out to be the biggest thing I did this weekend. I started watching Lost. I couldn't stop. I went through the two discs that I got in no time. I wanted more. I tried to stream them but ABC failed me. I need more. I need answers. Where did the polar bear come from and why didn't they eat it!?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Another trip to Ballard

The bus is air conditioned but I can still smell the stench of people wanting desperately wanting to wash away the horrors of the work week. Everyone sits silently. I forget that not all buses are chaotic. A phone call from the NESF ends with all the other riders staring in my direction. They understood the language but miss the context entirely. Luckily for my sake the avenue appears clear and I may be able to make haste. Hopefully the woman next to me doesn't ask me to watch her son. She keeps giving me strange looks. We could have been lovers in another life. Maybe the child is mine.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

I miss my AK

Today sucks. Everything seems to have imploded on its self at work this morning. The dust has settled and now I'm just bored with it all. I'm really starting to think that I need a new job. I just wish the job market wasn't so bad...

My ficus is still dying it seems. Whatever I do it doesn't seem to get better. More and more leaves fall off. It may be time to give up on it. I just have a tough time believing that it can't come back...

I want to give a public shout out to Sharp for currently placing in standings for "Washington Homebrewer of the Year". I intend to make it my personal goal that you participate in as many competitions as it takes for you to bring the gold back to Lucile Street...

I miss my AK. I really hope that she comes down this weekend. Her unwavering cynicism is just what I need to put my life back into perspective...

I wish it was 7pm already so I could be far away from this office and on the brink of global domination...

Damn girl, your land is loaded.

I slept horribly last night. I woke up about every 45 minutes all night long. Usually that leads to vivid dreams but not so. I only remember two parts of my dream last night. The first I was buying something in a retail store. I was up at the cash register and they were trying to ring it up but it was marked with multiple price tags. The price tags ranged from $65.00 to $40,000. Finally it was agreed upon that I pay $2000.98 and I began to line out bills on the counter. I didn't pay in just one form of currency though. I had Euros, Dollars, Pesos, Pounds, well you get the idea. It took forever to count it because I had to calculate the exchange rate in my head leading me to restart half a dozen times. There was a lot of chaos. As soon as I was happy with the count I took the product and walked out while the clerk was still trying to count the haphazard piles of currency. The other thing that I remember is riding on a bus. The route went along a body of water, but not one that was familiar to me. I was only one of a few people on the bus. The only other notable thing was that I was wearing tennis shoes. Something I haven't done in a very long time now...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I can hardly wait.

It's only 15 days till Deerhunter.

Cleanliness, Lucky Rides and a Love of Kennedy

When I get overwhelmed at work I clean my desk. That way everything looks more in order than it really is. Then I blog...

I woke up late today. Led to a very frantic morning. Luckily Archer found me waiting for the bus and hooked it up with a ride. Thank the maker for small miracles...

I think that I am going to try to get my work to use this picture of me for the website...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Prophecies and Premonitions

Many years ago there was a prophecy. At some point in my life I will be betrayed by a close friend. And not just any friend, its a very specific individual whose name I won't mention, but he knows who he is. As it's been told I will be betrayed. Blood will be drawn on my wrists in malice. At this point I will be faced with one of two choices. Accept that my time has come and allow him to kill me or fight back knowing that one of us will not survive. I hope that it never comes to this, but I fear it might. He can be fairly aggressive...

All day long I've been having earthquake premonition. I'll just be sitting at my desk and all of the sudden it will seem as though everything starts shaking. A subtle shaking, but the kind that could easy continue for a long time and grow in strength. It's a very strange sensation. Hopefully I'm wrong and we're not standing on the brink of a major catastrophe. If we are I wish you all the best of luck and want you to remember to watch out for each other. Sometimes all we have is each other and it's that bond that prevents society from completely destroying itself...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The rivers of the world will run red

FML. Work is horrid. We lost one of the sales people and they aren't replacing him. My boss said that it would be fine because he's going to pick up the slack. So far he's done nothing but make my job harder because he doesn't seem to know what he's doing (when he's actually here). Bah...

It's my sisters birthday today!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! She's such an awesome person. I don't know what I'd do without her...

I've been listening to a lot of Tool lately. Maybe it's because I'm frustrated with life. Maybe it's because they are amazing musicians who have redefined themselves many times over with each attempt suggesting that what once appeared perfect can still be improved upon. Maybe it's both...

I'm playing Risk on Friday. So far the trash talking has been extreme. I'm really looking forward to it. A side note to any of you guys that will be there: You're going down. My armies are ready. We will not fail in our ambitions. You will all submit. The rivers of the world will run red with your blood. See ya on Friday...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Presidents analyst

So I'm getting that some of you are a little confused by this post originally. Yesterday I spent the whole day just outside of Poulsbo in a little house that over looks the canal. Sarah was over from Kennewick and since it's been almost a year I felt I needed to drop in over there. The ferry was interesting. As we were waiting to leave the dock in Seattle there was an announcement over the intercom, "We're sorry for the delay. We seem to be taking on a fair amount of water. We will leave as soon as possible." We left 2 minutes later. I love ferries. Well maybe it's more that I love the water. Once I got to Bainbridge Sarah met me at the terminal. The reason that she's over from the Tri Cities is because her mother, one of my favorite people, is getting married this coming Saturday! When we arrived at the house John (fiance) and her mom (Kathy) were just getting back from church. It was great to see them. I also finally got to meet Duane (Sarah's man) which was good. I've talked with him on the phone for year (he's a customer) but had never met him. We sat around on the back porch all day drinking beers and rambling about politics, fireworks, and living on a farm. Every time Duane started to say something it began, "You know I was raised on a farm". Kathy kept making fun of him. We all made fun of him. After about 11 hours I left to go back to the ferry. I must have had a couple more beers that I thought because I realized as I was boarding the boat that I was drunk. I stumbled into the walls a couple times. Coming back into Seattle was amazing. It was just after sunset and light still clung to the horizon just enough to illuminate the buildings as we approached. The hills of West Seattle and Magnolia seemed as if they were giant arms of the city reaching out to embrace us as we entered the bay. I got home a little later that I expected, but in the end I think it was worth it.

Oh yeah. John told me I'm supposed to watch this movie from the 60s called "The Presidents Analyst". I've got it in my netflix now.

There was also a short point in the morning that I had a Mohawk. I might have to grow one out. I kinda liked it, it was just hard to do the rest of my head and leave it when I was solo.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

America: 223 years

I hope all of you out there take a moment today to think about what it means to you to be an American. Here are some quotes that I've put together for just this occasion.

Sure I wave the American flag. Do you know a better flag to wave? Sure I love my country with all her faults. I'm not ashamed of that, never have been, never will be. ~ John Wayne

Our great modern Republic. May those who seek the blessings of its institutions and the protection of its flag remember the obligations they impose. ~Ulysses S. Grant

The winds that blow through the wide sky in these mounts, the winds that sweep from Canada to Mexico, from the Pacific to the Atlantic - have always blown on free men. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America. ~William J. Clinton

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote! ~Benjamin Franklin

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty ~ John F. Kennedy

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves ~ Abraham Lincoln

I must study Politicks and War that my sons may have liberty to study Mathematicks and Philosophy. My sons ought to study Mathematicks and Philosophy, Geography, natural History, Naval Architecture, navigation, Commerce and Agriculture, in order to give their Children a right to study Painting, Poetry, Musick, Architecture, Statuary, Tapestry and Porcelaine. ~ John Adams

Our citizenship in the United States is our national character. Our citizenship in any particular state is only our local distinction. By the latter we are known at home, by the former to the world. Our great title is AMERICANS… ~ Thomas Paine

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"I only leave Queen Anne by Cab"

Lately when I search for things on Google I've been getting the response "no search results found". Mind you this will only occur if you place something in quotes during the search. It's most common when searching for quoted items in google images. Maybe Google is slipping...or maybe Google really is God. Lately they both treat me the same.

Concerned but powerless

Life's funny sometimes. Like how anger can shift to concern in a matter of moments. I guess it just goes to show that anger is only skin deep while the personal bonds we form over time are always with us. I just hope everything is okay.