Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Here's the blog scene

Gobble Gobble. Eat more turkey. It's good for you...

...I find this very scary. I can't say exactly why, but I don't think it's a good thing...

...Beck is in charge of this scene...

...Just because it's short doesn't mean it wasn't worth it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yet another blog

Y'all should check out the new and upcoming blog -

When we break we'll wait for our miracles

Ted Stevens has failed in his reelection bid. Kudos to the people of Alaska for realizing that you shouldn't elect convicted felons to national office...

...I'm still sore today. I wish I had remembered to wear my deep tissue heating pad. Those things are awesome...

...Today is all screwed up. I keep forgetting what I'm doing and making more plans. I'm going to a lecture at Kane Hall with my Dad, which should be good. It's about nature and the next techonology revolution. I am a little bummed that I'm going to miss Of Montreal though. But I doubt that I'll have the energy to go down there after the lecture...

...I also was talking with Jeremy about dinner. And for the first time in weeks I came up with a great menu, unfortunately I won't be able to make. Maybe I can convince him to hold off till tomorrow. Here's a run down on what I'm thinking: Bacon Mustard Pork Roast w/ Stuffed Mushroom Caps, Green Bean w/ Shallot Dressing, Three Cheese Garlic Scalloped Potatoes, and some bad ass rolls. Doesn't that sound good?...

...People do weird things on the toilet. Actually I can't say that. I've done all of those things...

...Morgan introduced me to The Gossip today. It's so good. I haven't listened to anything else since she told me about them...

...Holiday party planning is in full effect. I really need to send out the invites though. It's getting down to the wire...

...Lunch time...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Delaying death for one more day

So I'm not dying. Doctor actually told me that I was healthier that I thought. Even my blood pressure was legit (little high but not enough to worry). Turns out that I have Costochondritis. Sounds sexy huh? It's a swelling and irritation of the tissue connecting my ribs with my breastbone. Not sure how I got it though. Doc said it can be caused by trauma, coughing or it can even happen spontaneously. I'm just happy its not my heart.

Off to the ER

I'm going to the hospital right now. I'm waiting for my ride. Hopefully everything turns out okay and it's just something stupid like heart burn. But I'm not terribly optimistic...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Someone's listening in

I've been listening to a lot of Beatles today. It's good for the soul...

...My mind is a little sideways today. Nothing specific, I just feel out of it. Maybe it's just a case of the Mondays...

...The addiction to Buck Hunter is now very real. I had a dream last night that I was in the game. Hopefully next time I'm the buck...

...I have an even more serious problem. I'm addicted to Google. And it's not just Google, it everything that they do. The search engine, maps, gtalk, youtube (especially youtube) and even this forum here blogger. It's bad...

...I'm definitely NOT addicted to work. I'd leave it in a heart beat if someone would be so generous as to pay all my bills and kick me down a little spending money...

...Croatia hates Santa Clause...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I really need a Giraffe

I think that my sister should get a goat. She doesn't think so. She's actually very much against the idea. The strange thing here is that her husband agrees with me. And for any of you who know my brother-in-law, you'll agree it's strange that we'd agree on anything. So I have to ask, if two people with completely opposite ideologies can agree about the goat can it really be a bad idea?...

...There was supposed to be a wind storm last night. Walter Kelly lied to me. I'm not very happy with him...

...Last night for dinner Mr. Sharp made an amazing curry. It had butternut squash, garbanzo beans and spinach. I can still taste it. And I'll be tasting it even more when I get home. There are tons of left overs...

...Google is quickly becoming Big Brother. I love Google and all, but they're becoming a little creepy. Now they are tracking out breaks of influenza through search terms. On top of that for anyone who hasn't looked at Google Maps recently you should. They now have a feature called "Street View" which gives you a 360 degree view of your desired location. It doesn't cover everything but they did get my house and if you look at it from the alley you can see Jeremy and I in the back yard. Creepy...

...I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm meeting up with Nathan and we're going to hit up some Buck Hunter. I think that I may be developing a problem...

...One last thing. For anyone who doesn't already know about Bus Odyssey you should check it out. It's turning out to be a pretty awesome blog...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Okay, time for some more

I'd like to know what the people of Washington did to deserve the awful sports teams (or lack thereof now) that we have. I mean really. The Mariners are the worst team in baseball. The Huskies and the Cougars can't win a game to save their life. The Seahawks are a joke. And the Sonics, well don't get me started on the Sonics. So to whatever powers that be, please tell us what we did wrong and we'll try to correct it. We just want a decent team, even just one...

...We're expecting a storm tomorrow. It's supposed to be big. I hope that it doesn't knock over any trees. Expect the hawthorn and the holly. It could knock those over and I wouldn't be too bummed. Unless the hawthorn took out the bar with it. Then I'd be sad...

...I really hate people who call me and have no idea what they want. I'm current listening to this guy fumble around his shop deciding what he needs to order. Ridiculous...

...There is a small magnet that I keep on the only piece of metal on my entire desk. It is of a Hawaiian woman in a grass skirt with flowers around her neck and in her hair. It makes me happy everytime I see it because it reminds me of the cute little Hawaiian girl who gave it to me, Alexia (I wonder if you read this)...

...Time to start closing up work...

Back to the basics

So now that I have my other blog to vent all of my political angers and joys, I figure it's time to get back to the basic with Desomnia...

...Ozzie's is a wretched, wretched place. I attended a karaoke benefit for Children's Hospital on Friday night. A friend of mine was helping to organize it. All in all it was a great event, unless you left the upper room. Upon leaving the area that had been reserved for the benefit it was a less than desirable scene. Every square inch of the place was packed with people. In an effort to get outside for some air I had to fight through hordes of people all pushing and stumbling in various directions. And to top it all off, the bar tender was incompetent. By the time 11:30 rolled I just had to leave. Downed my long island in 2 minutes flat and hit the streets, only to be left waiting for an hour and fifteen minutes by the 7. Oh the 7...

...I'm really craving some Buck Hunter. I think that I might need to find an old version to buy...

...Oh snap, time for lunch. Maybe I'll get back to this...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New places...

So after the last post I realized that I need a different outlet for such posts as they seem to becoming more regular. I encourage you all to check out my new blog, Wake Up Seattle! Hopefully this new blog will allow me to get Desomnia in Drull back into focus and we can get back to the basics.

Dear Seattlites, Wake Up!

I've been a Seattle-area resident all my life and have spent the last 10 years living within the city limits and there is one thing that continually disappoints me about Seattlites - We all look the other way. Now I'm probably just as much to blame here as everyone else, but I think it's time for us all to turn over a new leaf.
I was recently told a story about a friend of my sisters. She was just sitting on the bus minding her own business when someone came and stole the ipod out of her hand and ran off the bus. She then had to grab all of her other belongings and take chase, eventually losing sight of him and failing to recover her ipod. My question here is why didn't anyone else try to stop this guy?
Now I can understand that whole attitude that "it's none of my business and don't want to get involoved". It's so much easier that way. However it's not the right way. We need to be more attentive to what is going on around us and when we see injustice we need to step up and try to make a difference, because next time we might be the victim.
So Seattle I say wake up and start caring a little more. The only way that things like this are going to change is if we start making them change. Each and everyone of you has the power to make a difference, now do it.