Monday, November 10, 2008

Okay, time for some more

I'd like to know what the people of Washington did to deserve the awful sports teams (or lack thereof now) that we have. I mean really. The Mariners are the worst team in baseball. The Huskies and the Cougars can't win a game to save their life. The Seahawks are a joke. And the Sonics, well don't get me started on the Sonics. So to whatever powers that be, please tell us what we did wrong and we'll try to correct it. We just want a decent team, even just one...

...We're expecting a storm tomorrow. It's supposed to be big. I hope that it doesn't knock over any trees. Expect the hawthorn and the holly. It could knock those over and I wouldn't be too bummed. Unless the hawthorn took out the bar with it. Then I'd be sad...

...I really hate people who call me and have no idea what they want. I'm current listening to this guy fumble around his shop deciding what he needs to order. Ridiculous...

...There is a small magnet that I keep on the only piece of metal on my entire desk. It is of a Hawaiian woman in a grass skirt with flowers around her neck and in her hair. It makes me happy everytime I see it because it reminds me of the cute little Hawaiian girl who gave it to me, Alexia (I wonder if you read this)...

...Time to start closing up work...

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