Saturday, January 31, 2009

...from a wise man (guest blog)

my name is ryan and i am guest blogging for adam.

once i took this humanities class in college. it was the last class before thanksgiving break, so the teacher was expecting a low turnout. instead of lecturing he decided to show a vhs tape he had of a 1960s soap opera.

the premise of the episode was that a "witch" had put a curse on this fictional city. the curse could only be lifted in one way. at night you would have a dream that would involve a random person from within the fictional city. you had to find that person and describe to them the details of the dream you had about them.

the episode we watched involved a man who had a dream with a woman in it. he knows he has to find the woman in order to lift the curse, so he goes searching for her. he finally finds her but it is late at night and she is asleep in her room on the second floor. he decides he should climb up to the second story window and enter her bedroom. when he awakens her to tell her about his dream, she freaks out and panics. he tries to explain the situation with the curse and tell her he is not violent. she runs to the telephone and calls the police. he tries to grab her in order to calm her down, but she begins biting and fighting him to break free. he gets scared and bolts.

at this point my professor stopped the video, the bell rang, and he said these memorable words...

"what is the moral of the story here folks? it is that you shouldn't tell people your problems because it is like rape. have a good thanksgiving."

he was a wise man.


I'm here at Lucile's. I feel like Doogie Houser. But I'm being pressured to blog. Such is the situation...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about Hope

So as many of you know I'm a huge supporter of President Obama. Tonight I'm celebrating the end of a long journey with a video montage. I've posted it here for your viewing pleasure...

Yes We Can...

A More Perfect Union...

Party Nomination...



Yes We Can!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I think therefore I blog

My desk is extremely clean, but still cluttered. I have binders that are falling over, someone must have stolen one, and post it notes all over the place. They read things like: Bloody bus blog, Bhangra!, one is a drawing of a superhero, who's more like a nerd in a speedo with a cape. I have no idea where that one came from...

A coworker of mine recommended that I watch Deliverance. He even lent it to me, so I watched it. I have no idea what to think of that. Decent movie. But definitely caught me off guard...

I'm now an official member of The Church of Google. I've been a follower for a long time. I guess I didn't realize that there were others like me. I'm not sure how this is going to effect my position within the Church of Bacon, but the way I see it Bacon and Google should be able to coexist within the same pantheon...

"I need to go now. Someone is videotaping me in my space ship"...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mash up

Another day

Work is so extremely boring today I might cut off my left pinky just to liven things up a bit. But then I wouldn't be able to use the A, Q, or Z on my keyboard. I might also have trouble capitalizing things...

So I'm not too pleased with the viaduct decision. I never like the tunnel idea. But for those of you who follow my "Wake Up Seattle" blog already know this. And those of you who aren't following, you should...

I guess that's really all I have to say today. Oh wait! So I was doing a little work on the indoor garden last night to find that I've got mushrooms growing. So far I don't think it's a bad thing, probably water them a little less. But as I told a friend of mine, I'd much rather they spontaneously grow bacon...

Monday, January 12, 2009


I totally am going to learn how to do this...

I have no idea what to blog about...

So I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to blog about today, and I'm not having much luck. Seems like nothing is really happening on this dreary day in January. The sky is toned with suicide grays and everyone seems to be under the strange spell that is Monday. I guess I can't really complain about the weather. There isn't a foot of snow outside or a deluge of water bearing down on us (at the moment) and besides it's just really cliche.

I guess I'll tell you a little more about this project that I'm working on. It's a sort of epic poem, in the sense that it's long and a poem. It's all about the 7, but also not about the 7 at all, hence my obsession with the number 7. What I'm doing is taking 7 different concepts from 7 different religious ideals and forming a poem of 343 lines. Each stanza addresses one of the 7 concepts, however each stanza could be seen as an individual piece when read alone. Here's a little excerpt, it's unfinished as you may assume:

Jesus is sitting four rows up,

shaking his head, as a man, with a paper bagged 40,

slurs his words of the Lord

to anyone willing to listen.

Everyone around holds on to each word,

except for Jesus, who reads a sign out the window,

"I have a dream today."

It's a pretty interesting project so far. Most of the scenes are directly taken from my experiences while riding the 7 and then adjusted to be more as I see them, adding a little of my own interpretation. There are so many of them to choose from the whole thing is a little overwhelming, but I'm pleased with my progress so far. If nothing else I'm hoping that this will help break my writers block on another project. We'll see.

I really want to see the ocean soon. I hope it happens.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Flood, the Garden and the Stalker

There is major flooding expected to hit the entire Western Washington region. It has the potential to be very bad. And here I thought that there was an agreement. I guess the rainbow means nothing now...

My garden is thriving! It's so fabulous. I had to get the twine out to let the peas begin their upward growth. The jalapenos are going crazy. The tomatoes are starting to kick into full force. What I really need now are some suggestions of what to grow next. Keep in mind that it needs to be able to grow in a pot, I'm not opposed to large pots though. Hit me up in the comments! (Unless the next section pertains to you)...

I've recently found myself involved in a very strange stalker situation. They aren't really stalking me, but have got me involved. So if said stalker is reading this, I don't want anything to do with you. I think that you may benefit from moving on with your life. And just to make sure there is no confusion: don't comment here, don't message me on facebook, don't ask me to call you, if you show up at my house I will have you arrested, if you show up at my work I will have you arrested. I don't take kindly to this kind of bullshit. FYI...

Monday, January 5, 2009


I've been working on this project that involves the number 7. I'm rapidly becoming obsessed.