Saturday, January 22, 2011

Olivia in the morning

I've completed my standard Radiohead frenzy on a Saturday morning and moved into the realm of Olivia Tremor Control. Embrace it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I really wish I could explain to you what happened tonight

Work...8...18...Pagliacci...Manny...Floyd...Ninkasi...Buffalo Safari...Ninakasi...Kudo this:

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


"Did you have to abstract me so much?"

I got a clean water science test kit for Christmas. Last night we tested it out. Got some Sodo sludge and put it through the process. It's actually worked! Now it says not to drink the water, and you don't have to tell me twice. Who know's what kinds of parasites are living in there. However it did get out all the mud.

"Blood Libel"? Seriously? Last time I checked no one accused Palin of sacrificing Christians to make matzos. Or maybe that's exactly what is going on and she's the only one aware of it. It's probably that she just has no idea the historical context of the words that she's using and instead of extinguishing a potential problem for her presidential candidacy she just soaked the whole thing in gasoline. Well done Sarah. No one could do it quiet like you...

I've spent the last week listening to a Rhianna station on Pandora. It has led me to an appreciation for Lady Gaga. She's not as horrible as I once thought. Oh yeah, and I'd eat the meat after she wore it. What of it?...

It's a scene in Australia. This video is amazing and terrifying:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The ever elusive "Hawaiian Zebra"

This creature was spotted in Seattle at the end of October. If you see it in your neighborhood please call the authorities immediately. It should be considered drunk and highly dangerous.

Bet against them, get your stack took

To my Buzz people, follow this link, everyone else just watch the video embedded.

Monday, January 10, 2011

What you can say and what you should

I want to start this off by sending my deepest condolences to the victims and their families in the recent Arizona shooting. This is a horrific event that never should have happened and there is nothing that we can do to bring these people back. What we need to do now is learn from it so that we can hope to prevent it from happening in the future.

There's a lot of talk about what role political pundits have played in the tragedy and this is something that I want to address. Long have I believed that the rhetoric that has been toss around is dangerously inflammatory. In an effort to highlight the second amendment right to bear arms, and the constitution as a whole, many conservative and tea party voices have taken to a more militant tone in the last two years. (Here's a good link that breaks it all down chronologically.) The most well known of which being Sarah Palin's quote, "Don't retreat, reload," and she even went as far as to target specific members of congress and mark their districts with cross hairs. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' district was one of those in the sights. 

I'm not trying to say that Palin or anyone else is directly responsible for the events that occurred, however I think it's narrow minded to think the gunman wasn't influenced by these words. Here in America we have the right to say whatever we want however that doesn't mean that we should. For instance I could go downtown Seattle and start screaming the most offensive racial slurs out there, but does that mean that I should? No! Or maybe I should just hang out around hospitals taunting people because their loved ones are sick? No! And the same goes for suggesting that people arm themselves with weapons instead of ballots. 

As Uncle Ben said, "With great power comes great responsibility". If we are to preserve our freedom of speech we need to start thinking about the ramifications of our statements. Don't go around calling for people to take up arms against congressmen and women you're opposed to and then get surprised when someone actually does it. Instead think about what you're saying before you start screaming it on cable news networks from coast to coast. 

Buddha said, "Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world." Unfortunately the reverse is true and when our words are full of hatred and malice we change our world too. It's up to us which world we live in. Lets keep what we say true and kind.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

For those of you that don't know

I'm a huge fan of Rihanna. Oh baby.

Top Five Albums of 2010

Sorry this is a little behind schedule, but that's just how it is. I'm not doing 10, I'm only doing 5. I'm also not going to explain myself. I've been working on this for too long and can't seem to find the words. This frustration led me to decide to just post the list and move on. I'm done with 2010. A bunch of these I've already given my two cents on as well and went through and hyper linked to the previous posts. And without further ado...

Honorable Mentions

Gil Scott-Heron - I'm New Here
The Black Keys - Brothers
Eminem - Recovery
Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon Part II: The Legend of the Rager
Arcade Fire - Suburbs

#5 of Montreal - False Priest

#1 Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest

Good bye 2010. You were good. You were bad. But mostly you just were.