Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Did you have to abstract me so much?"

I got a clean water science test kit for Christmas. Last night we tested it out. Got some Sodo sludge and put it through the process. It's actually worked! Now it says not to drink the water, and you don't have to tell me twice. Who know's what kinds of parasites are living in there. However it did get out all the mud.

"Blood Libel"? Seriously? Last time I checked no one accused Palin of sacrificing Christians to make matzos. Or maybe that's exactly what is going on and she's the only one aware of it. It's probably that she just has no idea the historical context of the words that she's using and instead of extinguishing a potential problem for her presidential candidacy she just soaked the whole thing in gasoline. Well done Sarah. No one could do it quiet like you...

I've spent the last week listening to a Rhianna station on Pandora. It has led me to an appreciation for Lady Gaga. She's not as horrible as I once thought. Oh yeah, and I'd eat the meat after she wore it. What of it?...

It's a scene in Australia. This video is amazing and terrifying:

1 comment:

  1. Pro Lady Ga-Ga? I think you did drink some of that sludge afterall.... :)
