Friday, October 30, 2009

"Do we eat this?"

I was on the bus coming home from work. A man sitting next to me was reading the paper. He pointed at a picture of pumpkins and began to tell me about a giant pumpkin that he once saw. He then paused for a moment and asked, "Do we eat this?" I chuckled and said, "Yes we do. WE make them into pies!" This pleased him greatly.

I can't remember if I've already posted this

but just to be sure here it is...

I'm kind of bored with Halloween.

That being said, there are some things that I still really enjoy doing. Like going to pumpkin patch. I went with my sister last weekend. It's kind of becoming a tradition. We go to the place at the bottom of Orillia Road in Kent. It was pretty picked over this year, we went a little late in the year, but that didn't deter my enjoyment. There's something about tromping through the pumpkin patch with the tractors all about and the huge field of corn on one side that just solidifies the fact that fall has come.

After the patch (I was covered in mud) we headed up to my sisters place where she made an amazing dinner and we watched some football. Then we carved the pumpkins. I'm kind of a pumpkin master. This year I attempted to do Brittany Spears face on a pumpkin. I think I did a pretty good job. I took the pumpkin to the bar and gave it to PMRob for his birthday. People were a bit confused about whose face was on the pumpkin, for some reason most people thought it was Jesus, go figure. I guess I'm just glad that everyone agreed it looked like a person. Next year I might have to get a little more ambition and ditch the stencil and try to do something off the top of my head. We'll see.

As for Halloween itself I'm kind of bored with it. Halloween parties have never really done it for me. I'd rather sit at home and watch a bunch of Treehouse of Horrors than parade around like some kind of ghoul. Maybe that will change next year, but this year I'm skipping Halloween.

For all of you who are going out, be safe. Halloween seems to be a blank check for mayhem to some people. Don't get caught up in their shenanigans.

I should also add that my sister caught a great pic of me in the corn. Oh how I love corn. It kind of pissed me off though. They didn't harvest any of the corn! It was all just left of the stalk and wasted away in the field. Now I understand that the standard way of harvesting the corn would be to level the field, but there has to be some way to harvest the grain while still keeping the stalks around for the maze. It just frustrates me to see perfectly good corn go to waste. If nothing else call up a food bank and see if they have volunteers that would want to pick it. Nonetheless, great pic of me in the corn, even if my hair is a little chaotic...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sup Blog

I want to start off today by giving a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Internet. 40 years ago today it was "born". I can't even imagine my life without it...

I'm glad that the sounders made the playoffs, but I'm not looking forward to fighting my way home through the scene that is sure to surrounds the stadium...

Metro's website is down. I think it has been for a couple days now. It's very frustrating. Makes me want to slash things, like bus tires. But I won't because what good would that do?...

Apparently dolphins are being caught in our warehouse. Initially I was against the idea of catching dolphins. Then I thought about it. If a dolphin somehow finds itself in the warehouse here at work I think that it needs to be caught. Who knows what kind of havoc it could cause...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Flaming Lips are the greatest American band recording today.

I originally wrote that title with the phrase "quite possibly", however as I looked at it and started to think more I couldn't find another band that I would place higher than the Lips at this point. (Modest Mouse is close though).

They've had one of the most interesting careers. The Flaming Lips were making music when I could barely walk (1983). I'm going to breeze through their early career. It's not that it was bad so to speak, but when compared to their later works, well it's like comparing Pablo Honey and Kid A.

While they started in the early eighties it was well into the nineties before they ended up seeing some commercial success with the track "She Don't Use Jelly". It's a decent track from the album Transmissions From the Satellite Heart, but by no means my favorite. With the amount of radio play that song was getting I am flabergasted that they didn't shoot up into the spotlight immediately with follow ups like "Be My Head" and "Turn It On". The only reason I can think of is that none of us were ready for them yet, I guess thats the problem with always being ahead of your time.

Then there was Clouds Taste Metallic, which contains one of my favorite "older" Lips tracks "This Here Giraffe". You should all know how much I love Giraffes. However the album as a whole was not as solid as it's predecessor, causing them to slip further into obscurity.

Next they came out with what was to be known as Zaireeka. This is one of the most bizarre albums of all time. A collection of 4 discs that are all intended to be played simultaneously. I've had the privilege of hearing Zaireeka multiple times and each time it was great. Most notably was for the anniversary when they played it a the Crocodile. It's a fantastic experiment in sound whose ambition is matched only by the musical talent of the Flaming Lips. The greatest part about Zaireeka for me is more what it represents and that is a change on the horizon greater than anything that could be expected. The Soft Bulletin.

This is where I was introduced to the Flaming Lips. I believe it was 2002. The Soft Bulletin had slipped past me for 3 years, but no more. NESF came to me one day with the CD. I listened to it once. I hated it. "I can't stand that guys voice," I remember thinking. But I trust NESF's opinion and gave it another chance. It was about the fourth go around when my world came crashing down around me and I realized that "a spoonful weighs a ton" and there was only one answer to the questions "Is it gettin' heavy?", yes.

While I was still honeymoonin' with The Soft Bulletin I was introduced to a new lover, Yoshimi. "Oh Yoshimi" where do I begin. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots is an amazing album full of violence, love and ultimately death. It was with this album that the Flaming Lips took on the concepts of death and how beautiful it can really be. "Do You Realize?" is by far the biggest hit that they've had to date, and with just cause. However that shouldn't over shadow the pure genius that is present throughout this album as a whole. There is a good reason I placed it as #3 of the decade. To quote myself, "I think that even Alfred Tennyson may agree that there has never been a finer expression of love and loss than Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots."

At War With the Mystic followed in 2006 and it was evident they weren't happy. No one was happy in 2006, however the Lips took their hatred of GW and turned it into some fine music. I will forever associate this album with the end of GW and the election of 2008. I remember walking to the school down the street from my house listening to "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song" on my way to caucus and then leaving feeling great as I listened to "The W.A.N.D." This album didn't quiet hit the high mark of Yoshimi save one track, "Vein of Stars", which may very well be my favorite of theirs.

At this point I feel I'd be doing you all a huge injustice if I didn't mention the live show that the Lips put on. It's amazing. It's a complete affirmation of the greatness of life. Anyone who has a chance to see them live HAS to do it. You'll leave with pockets full of confetti but never disappointed. Here's some shots from the most recent show I was at...

Now I've been starting to spent a lot of time with the new album Embryonic. At first I wasn't the biggest fan. The first time I heard it I sat back in my chair and said, "meh, don't love it, don't hate it." Fear started to take over. Had the Lips lost it? Would they ever produce something that rivals The Soft Bulletin? Little did I know that with that first introduction a small ova had been placed in my brain.

Over the course of the last few weeks the egg has grown. We've now reached the embryonic stage. It's starting to consume me. I have yet to discard everything else from my iPod but I have a feeling that may happen in the near future. I can't even begin to imagine what is going to happen when my incipient growth is fully mature.

Now I don't know what else I can say to convince those of you who don't already know that you need to check out the Flaming Lips so I'm going to leave you with a youtube clip from the new album...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Are they connected?

I've been sick lately. It sucks. I just want to be healthy again. During my illness I've had a number of strange dreams. They've been a lot less coherent than usual. More just a series of imagines associated with an emotion or a scent, but I guess that's the way dreams are...


...I was in the car with my sister. We were arguing over which direction to go. We were on 124th (right by where we grew up). I kept insisting that we were going the right way and that the road would drop off soon. She kept telling me that it wasn't here. However when we reached the top of the hill and got out of the car. What used to be a large forested area was devoid of foliage with small sections of the land still burning. I pointed out a house to my sister, reminding her that we used to go there as children and get cookies from the old woman who lived there. She said that she remembered the house but she had no memory of where we were. With all the trees gone I was able to point out where our old house was. For some reason instead of going "home" we went down the hill that used to be covered in blackberry bushes. We walked for some time before coming to the bottom of a large cliff of sand. Here she handed me an object that resembled a staple gun. "You hold on to this". Everything smelt of burning leafs. I held the object in my hand and pulled the trigger. The wind began to spiral around me. It was like being inside a tornado. Then I wasn't there any longer. I didn't know where I was. I still don't know...

...Time passed and I found myself back at my old house. There was a large amount of chaos. Everyone was frantic and running about. Soon I found out that there was some sort of invasion taking place and one by one the houses in the neighborhood were being taken over. There were people there I didn't know and it took some time to locate my family. I found my sister first, who told me that our parents were no longer there. We searched all over for my little brother before finding him in the garage hidden behind piles of boxes and newspaper. We could hear a large vehicle pull into the drive way and a mass of men storm onto driveway. My siblings thought that we were all going to die, I did too for that matter. Until I remembered the strange object I'd used earlier. I told them both to grab onto me and no matter what happened not let go. I pulled the trigger and just as before the wind engulfed us. I remember falling the three of us together and nothing more...


...The land beneath my feet was plagued. The only things that grew were dead. I was wearing a loose fitting leather tunic that covered down to my knees. I was armed with a small knife and a series of bottles filled with liquid. I wandered for a short while before finding myself surrounded by a vigilante group. They shackled my hands and asked me questions that I couldn't answer. Finally one of the larger men in the group came forward and silenced all the others. "He'll be coming with me," he said. The other disbersed as quickly as they had arrived...

...we approached a small encampment that seemed to be abandoned. There were razed buildings all around and a small altar that seemed to be constructed of various body parts. "Don't take this for what you see," the man said to me as we passed under a series of low hanging branches. On the other side it was completely different. There were people everywhere. A large fire stood in the middle of the area. Everyone seemed to start whispering and glancing with suspicion when I arrived. "Don't mind them." We then went into the largest of the buildings. It was some sort of war room. There was a large three dimensional map in the center of the room. The map was separated into nine grids, each with a central location that appeared to be a castle of some sort. I walked up and began to study the map, when the man spoke, "Does this look familiar to you?" "I'm not sure, I feel like it should but I don't recognize it." This was the first time I got a good look at the man. He was taller than myself with shoulders twice as broad. He wore animal skins and had a large sword hanging by his side. He hands didn't seem human, they were easily three times the size of mine with thick nails more like claws. He pointed to a point on the map that was colored green, "You're here." He told me the name but I don't remember. He then went on to tell me the story of his people. They once controlled a section of land representing 5 of the sections on the map. Things were better than and the plants grew alive. But in recent years the other people who lived there became aggressive and had slowly been taking over their land until all they had left was the encampment that I was standing. "What does this all have to do with me?" I said. "You've been sent here to get our land back."...

...I was out of breath. My body ached all around. I was back standing over the map. 3 of the 9 sections now illuminated green. "You're doing well captain." I wiped my forehead with my arm, which came back smeared with blood and said, "at what cost."...

...The forest surrounded me. I was leading a massive force through the dense woods when we reached a clearing. There was a large grey tower not more than two miles off. One of the troops came up to my side, "Are you ready for this?" I replied, "I haven't been ready for any of what's happened."...

...We were back at the base camp over the map again. All but two of the sections glowed green. The ground beneath us was no longer bare dirt but grass. When people would come and go I could see large trees outside all flourishing. I sat down, completely spent and said, "am I done yet?" The man I first met replied, "Yes, you are done now. The rest we must do on our own."...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What would it feel like to have a drill dropped on your head?

If you ever really want to piss me off this is probably the best way to do it:

I'm sitting at my desk talking to a customer on the phone, actually working. I was in the middle of a conversation with this guy who is not particularly pleasant to begin with when our "handyman" places a ladder directly behind my chair. I give him a look that I thought clearly stated, "do you really have to do that now?" Apparently he did. He then started to open up the light fixture directly above my head. Apparently he had forgot something so he wanders off leaving the metal grating dangling over my head. While all of this was irritating it wasn't until he returned that I got really pissed. I was then checking my messages when he got back on the ladder, this time with a drill. He then began drilling into the ceiling making it impossible for me to hear my phone and showering me with fine white dust. I couldn't believe it. I was very tempted to kick out the ladder from underneath him as I had to snake my way out of my desk. I returned ten minutes later to find my entire desk covered in dust. Needless to say I'm not too happy right now. As if I needed another reason to hate my job right now.

This isn't my office, but it's almost exactly what I'm talking about.


I was assaulted at the show during this song. Assault isn't always a bad thing. In this case I kind of liked it...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Dream Within A Dream

I saw "Where the Wild Things Are" last night. Good flick. It'd been a long time (at least 18 months) since I'd been to the cinema. It was well worth it. I don't think that the enormity of the Wild Things will come across as well on the small screen...

The horse fucker is at it again. I think that we need to come up with a serious solution for this guy. It's not painfully apparent that he's not going to stop. I think some sort of mental institution is in order. Mans not right in the head if he's wanting it from a horse. Yuck...

The city is claiming that they're going to have a better snow response this year. You all might remember what happened last year, it was horrid. I like that they're going to be more prepared but I'm hoping we just don't get any snow. Heard the other day it's already snowed in a good chunk of the country and it's not even a month into FALL. Don't worry though, our climate isn't changing. We're just being punished...

There is one question that I'd love to hear Oprah ask Sarah Palin: "Do you consider yourself a 'cougar'?"...

I'd gettin' might impatient waiting on a new Outkast album. I might have to go down to Atlanta and ruffle some feathers. I'm not sure it would do any good, but it might calm me down for a few weeks. Doubtful though. It'd probably just further incite my growing rage...

Last night I had a strange dream that I don't really remember. The one thing that I do remember was waking up and thinking "did I just have a dream within a dream?"...

Sometimes the words don't make sense, but it's still good.

I don't speak Chinese, but this is still unbelievably amazing. Kind of makes me want to learn Chinese. Unfortunately the only person I can think of that speak Chinese is in Singapore right now.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

"Avert your eyes from all of this"

Been listening to lots of Grizzly Bear pre and post concert. This is probably my favorite track on the new album. Reminds me of the ocean...

Schoolhouse Rock FTW

Looking for Wyoming

Some time ago a friend of mine told me that Wyoming is a myth. To him the state wasn't really there and in order to perpetuate the idea that it was the federal government paid people to say they were from Wyoming and filled buses with cadavers then slapped "Wyoming" plates on the bus to further the illusion.

Now I'm not going to go that far. I have a good friend who claims to have lived in Wyoming and I believe him. Why would he lie about something like that? However I've not had a single visitor from Wyoming to my blog. Have I offended Wyoming with something I said? Up until the beginning of this post I can't imagine what it would have been.

In my years I've heard stories from Wyoming about hunting in freezing temperatures and accidentally wandering into abandon uranium mines. Other about great geysers and landscapes that continue off into eternity. Now that is the Wyoming that I want to see.

I'm not so down with the wolf massacres that seem to be common place out there. It understandable that you want to protect yourself and not have dogs running off with your cattle, but killing them by the pack isn't the answer. However I am willing to look past previous mistakes.

It's time for the people of Wyoming and Desomnia in Drull to form a lasting partnership. We could start by cross breding buffalo with watusis to creat a form of super cattle to would solve world hunger and train the wolf packs to be our unholy army of the night! If we join forces there would be nothing that could stop us! Combining our forces would result in a Utopian society where everyone would live in harmony.

Please think about the children (won't somebody PLEASE think about the CHILDREN!) and accept my gracious offer. Wyoming and Drull Forever.

Drowning in the atmosphere

This weekend was a bit out of control...

Friday night was Grizzly Bear with MNom and NESF. Great time. We went to Contour for happy hour. Good times had by all. Then the rain. Oh the rain! It was torrential. We weren't going far but in order to avoid getting completely drenched we took two buses and still had to make a mad dash from awning to awning in order to avoid being drowned by the atmosphere. The show was amazing though. I was pleased that everyone remained seated for the majority of the show. As NESF put it, "What are people going to do if they stand? Sway?" I got manhandled by the chick that was sitting behind us ("CHEERLEADER!!!!") at the show but I had a few too many drinks to play the scene in my favor and she was gone before the show ended. I also caused a little bit of scene on the bus ride home. Luckily I decided NOT to go to another bar and just call it a night. The last thing that I needed was another drink...

Saturday I got a bunch of stuff done. Had breakfast with PMRob and then went to Goodwill, liquor store and Fred Meyers. Did some prep work for the housewarming gathering. All in all the event went well. Definitely gave me an idea of what to expect if I have another gathering at the new place. More than anything else I was lacking chairs. Thanks to everyone for coming!...

Sunday was disappointing. I woke up to find the Hawks down 14 points and the game had hardly started. It was ridiculous. They couldn't get anything going for them and Lofa went out with a season ending injury. I guess I'm going to have to be a Broncos fan this year...

Many of you have already got your ballots in the mail so I think now is the time to give you my "quick" two-cents about some key issues this year:

If you follow this regularly you know that the most important vote that you can place this year is to APPROVE REF 71. Previous rant here.

I-1033 deserves to be rejected. If for no other reason than it's Tim Eyman. However there are many other reasons. It would lead to funding cuts in K-12, higher education, elderly services and much much more.

King County Executive should be Dow Constantine. His record speaks for itself that he is the man who supports KC values.

I'm not sure if I've said it here before but McGinn for Mayor here in Seattle. I know that I've said it here which also includes a list of places that you can drop off your ballots.

Don't wait till November 3rd to mail your ballot. DO IT NOW!!! I still haven't received mine though, I might have to go to the elections office and cause a scene, but I'll give them a couple more days.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I will now tell you the story of three men, three bowls of pho and one unwanted dinner guest...

It all began yesterday at work. NESF wasn't feeling well so PMRob and I were thinking of ways to make him feel better. PMR's had the idea to bring him some pho, great idea. However NESF wasn't bedridden by any means so after some deliberations we decided to just meet up and get some soup.

Now I usually get home at 6:45 which would mean that I wouldn't be able to meet up until like 7:30. My dinner guest were hoping for a little earlier so I decided I'd bust ass to get out of work early. Everything was going well, we had it all on lock down till 5 o'clock hit and it all fell apart on me. All of my preparation was for nothing and I still ended up leaving work at 5:35 like every other day.

Most days I end up waiting on the 7 for at least 10 minutes (sometimes more like 20) but I must have done something right by the cosmos and the bus pulled up in a matter of moments from my arrival. However when we reached the ID it too fell apart. There was multiple lifts, some kind of disturbance in the back, and lots of people toting more things that they could reasonably handle, all of which delayed the process further. I got downtown at about the same time I do everyday.

I hurried myself across Pioneer Sq to catch the 18. Now I usually have a 10-15 minute wait because I always just miss one. However my luck renewed and as I strolled up to the stop so did the 18. I said a small bit of thanks and boarded the bus. We made good time up until the Ballard Bridge which, as you may have guessed, was up. But not so much up as was going up. Fate had foiled me once again.

I arrived home at 6:47, all my labors for not. But I shook it off, dropped off my bag, and headed back down the hill to meet NESF. I was across the street from the building that some day hopes to be a QFC when a man on a bike comes up to me, "Hey man where's the QFC?" I point to the half constructed wasteland, "right there." "What are you talking about?" I then explain to him the void of grocery stores on that side of Ballard is a result of QFC's lost haste and that he's got to go back to 15th. He was a little perturbed but so be it.

Hooked up with NESF and headed on to Market. A small back track delayed our progression but worked out for the best being as PMRob was still a few minutes out. He descended the 44 at Market and Ballard and we all got to moving to the Than Brothers.

Now I've been to many a Than Bros at various times in my life. I have long considered them to be a decent option when outside of the ID for my pho needs. Their broth isn't the best, but it's generally more satisfying than most. Anyone who's ever been to a Than Bros will recall that they are all covered in mirrors.

So as we walk into the restaurant we're directed to a booth in the far back corner of the restaurant. Before we could even take our seats a waiter arrived and took our order. Now I'm all for prompt service, but that's a little extreme. A minute later we all had our soup and were ready for the magic experience that is pho.

NESF and I were nearly finished when PMRob got a grim look on his face and said, "What's that?" while pointing over my shoulder. I turned slight and much to my disgust there was a bug no more than a foot away from me. We debated what type of bug it was for a little while. Was it a cockroach? An earwig? After PMRob dropped the knowledge about the half moon shaped tail of an earwig we all agreed we were dining with a cock roach. I tried to just ignore it, what could I really do at that point? We conversed a little longer until PMRob abruptly injected, "Lets leave." When asked if something was wrong he replied, "our little friend". I think he had been staring at it since he discovered it.

We paid the bill and left, not likely to return.

Luckily for me it didn't ruin the evening. NESF went back home to rest up for the big weekend while PMRob and I did what is becoming our thursday standard, hit up Wingmaster for some pool and buck hunter. Good times. I was a little rough around the edges this morning but that has passed. Now I'm getting pumped up for Grizzly Bear.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Gimme what I wanna need"

I'm holding for a customer right now. Their chosen hold music is all Disney. It's wretched. I can't stand it. Who in their right mind would choose that? If I was calling them as a customer I'd hang up and call their competitor...

I really need to get some taco truck. Those cute little mulitas and sopitos. I can taste them now. Its been far too long. Unfortunately it's a bit far to go for lunch. Maybe I can convince PMRob to go on Saturday. That sounds reasonable...

The title of this blog post comes from a hilarious game of rummy that was had over this past weekend. I like to think that a good time was had by all. But maybe it was just me. Either way it was worth it...

Tonight is meeting number one for the Ulysses's reading group. I'm not sure what to expect of it, but its a good group so I'm not sure how it could be bad. I'm going to push for a lil post meeting karaoke too. We'll see how that goes over...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A sense of completion

I'm done with the 7 project. Its been 10 months since I started it and now it's done. I'm happy with how it turned out. I'm not going to put it up here. If you want to read the final draft hit me up in the comments and I'll send you a copy of it. So far my favorite response came from PMRob, "its like i am reading a foreign language". While I'm not exactly sure what he meant by that, but I like it. Now I have to see if there's anyone out there willing to publish such a thing. I guess I'm going to submit it as a short story, but its not really a short story. I don't know what it is. It just is.

"There's going to be swift action"

Got to work this morning and had a strange desire to hear some Offspring. I haven't listen to any in years, probably close to 10. It's not as good as I remember it but there is still a sort of nostalgia...

Successfully accomplished two loads of laundry last night. Sad part to this story is that I have at least two more that I need to do. I am really considering hiring someone to do it, along with all the other things that I don't like doing it...

NESF just queried as to whether any of my bosses read my blog. I really hope that they do...

Governator's wife got caught on camera driving while talking on her cell phone. He responded to the TMZ shot by tweetin' "Thanks for bringing her violations to my attention, @harveylevintmz. There's going to be swift action." I'd like to know what he means by "swift action". Seriously though, is he going to take her cell phone away?...

The ficus is dead. I don't think it's coming back. I'm going to donate it to our shipping department. I don't know why but that really amuses me...

Had a very epic dream last night, but only remember small bits and pieces. The most vivid of which I was in the U-Dist. I'd some how stranded myself there and I needed someone to bring me a car. I had no idea who to call and starting systematically calling everyone in my phone. Finally I called Ralian and he was responsive. Told me that he was heading out of town with NESF but he could bring me a van. I waited around for a little while. People that I know came and went. When Ralian arrived he was angry. He started throwing things and screaming but I couldn't understand anything he was saying. He parked the van, I think it was a Lumina, in the middle of the road and then took off in his car that NESF was piloting. Confused but pleased I hopped in the van only to find that he didn't leave me the keys. Now to make matters worse there was a line of cars piling up behind me. I called him back and told him that he failed to leave the keys at which point he just cackled and hung up on me. I started to panic and was looking for some way to get the car out of the road. I released the e-brake but the car wouldn't budge at all. I got out to find someone to help me with a little push and as I got about 5 feet from the vehicle it started moving forward. I rushed back to try to stop it, but my efforts were in vain. The car took off and plowed right into the back of a parked car which then slammed into a nearby building. Complete panic set in. Ralian showed up with the key dangling from his fingers. All he said was, "you haven't had it for even an hour and you've caused a multiple car pile up? Well you'd better get the hell out of here now before that guy makes it down here" He pointed to the man that he was referring to. He was a large man, over 6'6" and built like a brick shit house. I could see his silhouette in the window on the second floor of the house and he was loading a shotgun. I rushed into the van, started the engine, said a small prayer that it worked and took off just as the man was bursting out the front door. He fired two shots that both missed as I sped off onto the freeway...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Motivationally challenged with hints of morality

I'm struggling to find motivation today. And it's not just for work related things. I'm finding it difficult to write this blog. For thirty minutes now I've had the window open and I keep looking at it and then going on to something else in hopes of finding something to inspire me. I'm not having much luck...

Oh wait, I know what I'll tell you about. Over the weekend I was tending to PMRob's fish. I was very tempted to steal something from him, a gnome. I've plotted to steal this gnome for many years. So far I've not schemed up anything productive enough to get it out the door of his place. While I was there to feed the fish I thought about it. I stared into the gnomes eyes and contemplated how easy it would be to just take it with me right then and there. There was nothing and no one to stop me. Except my conscious. I guess it was just too easy...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Lil more of The Bug

I know I just posted a video from The Bug earlier but this one is really fitting right now...

Woven Illusions

I had the most relaxing weekend I've had in a long time. I didn't do anything, including answer my phone. I watched an unhealthy amount of football. Finished the third disc of Final Fantasy VIII (love that game). And otherwise kept a low profile...

There are times in the day that I'll go ask my boss a question. Not because I don't know how to accomplish it, but more that I just want to seem busy. It also seems to give him a sense of wellbeing and purpose. Oh the illusions we weave...

HAWKS!!! I'm glad to see that the return of Hasslebeck led to a shut out victory. Now we just need 10 more like that and I'll be a happy 12th fan...

"Meet a Bigot". Mad props go to the man holding up the sign. You all could probably have guessed this but I support Ref 71. I think that it should be approved and I think that it's absurd that we have to vote on honoring the rights of individuals. I strongly urge everyone out there to stand up this November and make the statement that Washington state is not a home for narrow minded bigots who want to deny people basic rights to others because of their sexual orientation or age...

For any of you who are curious it IS legal to own a turtle in the City of Seattle. Not sure why that came up, but it did...

Something is happening here at work and I'm not sure what it is yet, but I think everything is about to change...

My plastic glow-in-the-dark Jesus is broken. Well he's not broken but the chain that attached him to my keys is. Now he just looms over my telephone at work. He brings me happiness...


I've been diggin' this track here all weekend. It's off the heezy.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Right off the bat today

I haven't even been at my desk for five minutes and I've got all kinds of things to talk about...

Congrats Mr. President on the Noble Peace Prize. This may be a double edged sword though. We all knew that the world was paying close attention to how you plan to change the US image and I think this is their way of holding you accountable. First and foremost you need to bar the gates on Gitmo. If this doesn't happen soon I think that you're going to see a backlash. You've proposed so lofty goals and I believe that you can accomplish them, now is the time to start completing these tasks. There isn't a moment to waste...

Marge Simpson, I didn't know you had it in ya. I always knew that you had a wild side: that time you and Homer rock'd the cashbah in farmers barn, when you two snuggled in the mini golf windmill, and when you were mutated into a half-woman half-cat by Dr. Hibbert your true animal instincts really took over. Now you're going to be on the cover of playboy! I can only imagine what the family will say! I assume Bart won't gripe (luckily he only has access to "Play Dude"), Maggie will just suck on her pacifier, your sisters will be unbelievably jealous, Homer won't realize until he sees all the guys at the power plant oglin' ya, and Lisa, oh Lisa, she's going to rip you apart. Nonetheless, good show...

I am using all my restraint right now to not go off about Somni-451 and ruin Cloud Atlas for you all. It's so good. Oh man. I couldn't believe that Papa Song's...I'll hold my tongue...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

...and you have no time to waste


As I came to work this morning I was listening to Pink Floyd and reading Cloud Atlas. I'm to a part in the book where the world is not as it is today. A post apocalypse world. Humanity destroyed itself in its quest for knowledge. I spent a few more minutes reading outside before going in to start the day. As I opened the door to my office Gilmore cried from my iPod, "Welcome to the Machine." It was the most fitting entry I think I've ever made into this building.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fox News, I really love hating you...

...but when you go and do things like this it makes it harder. For years now you've become an outlet for the most narrow minded right wing fanatics and I'm sure that isn't going to change completely. None the less it pleases me to see that you are now airing things like this...

Now as I look into this Shep a little more I kind of want to start watching him. Here's a blurb from the wiki entry for him:

In April 2009, in response to the claim that techniques such as waterboarding may have been effective in fighting terrorism, Smith said in an online Fox News show, "I don't give a rat's ass if it helps. We are America! We do not fucking torture!*"

Amen to that brother.

Back to the Nitty Gritty

Well now that we all know what this is about I'll get back to it...

The Google is reppin' a bar code today. I like it. I think that the increased number of "special" google headers is a good thing. It's still simple, but they're also able to honor different events and people. "A for effort and a B for delivery"...

I really need to do some laundry. I haven't since I moved and I'm almost out of clothes. I'm down to wearing underpants that aren't my favorite. Hopefully I make it through the day without too much unpleasantness. But I assure you the firs thing I'm doing when I get home is laundry, then video games, then more laundry, then I'll probably eat something, then a whole lot more video games, how about a little Simpsons Season 3, then some more laundry, then I'll sleep. This information may seem meaningless now, but later on you'll be glad to have received it...

Cloud Atlas!!! I'm thoroughly enjoying this book. About half way through and it's amazing. I HIGHLY recommend it to all of you. I can't believe that it sat on my bookshelf for 18 months before I gave it a chance...

I had a dream last night that I lived in a tree. There wasn't a treehouse or anything, I just lived in a tree. Birds and squirrels were my friends. I distinctly remember looking over the edge of one of the massive branches and realizing how high up I was. The altitude cause a sort of vertigo and the ground seemed to spin like a hypnotic wheel. I quickly laid on the branch and held on as tightly as I could. That's all I remember...

I think that Roman Polanski deserves to be in jail for the rest of his life. I have no sympathy for chi-mo's regardless of what they have to offer the world...

Fall is here. It's glorious. When I control the weather it will be like this everyday. Unless you're somewhere that's pissing me off. Then I'd send all kinds of nonsense your way. Best to stay in the PNW. It'd take something big for me to negatively effect myself to enact vengeance. Not saying that it won't happen, because it might...

I just realized that I didn't give mad props to the NESF for putting together that killer pic of the watusi-wannabe. But don't despair I intend to atone for my mistakes. Here goes...

Monday, October 5, 2009

What is Desomnia in Drull???

Those of you that have been around from the beginning may remember that when I started this blog I gave you a very vague idea of what to expect:

What is Desomnia in Drull?
The short answer is: It's a blog. The long answer is: The blog itself.

Now that I'm 300 posts into it here at Desomnia in Drull I've asked a few people who regularly follows the blog to send in a small blurb about what they think the blog is really about. If I didn't include you, that doesn't mean you can't participate. Feel free to leave comments about what YOU think this blog is really about...

"[Desomniac] generates a curious persona via his blog in that people might make the mistake of thinking him outlandish and irreverant, shocking for shock's sake, when really it's quite the opposite. [Desomniac] is very thoughtful and gives a lot of attention to getting various sides of a story before presenting his own opinion. He's not afraid to speak his mind, enter into a discourse on something inflammatory, or literally share his dreams in a public space where all of the above could be easily misinterpreted. He manages to avoid the pitfall of being repetitive and boring which often spells the death of a blog since both the writer and his readers tire of the subject matter. By keeping it varied, sometimes superficial and sometimes deep, sometimes mainstream and sometimes esoteric, Desomniac in Drull offers a reliable source of unpredictable distractions from the monotony of a 40-hour work week."

Spam Scout:
"Desomnia in Drull is the Venn Diagram center between dreams, local politics, music, watusis, Buck Hunter, and religion - written by a honky white devil with nothing to lose."

"The first three things that come to mind when I think of Desomnia in Drull - Random. Eclectic. Thought provoking. Through this blog [Desomniac] challenges his readers to think, to engage in dialogue and share his life and culture. Now, [Desomniac]'s culture may not be the same as anyone else's, but it exists nonetheless. ;) It's only by keeping up with Desomnia that I remain as connected as I am to the world beyond my immediate sphere of influence. There are so many elements that combine to create Desomnia in Drull. I love all of them."

"one mans rants and raves about the trivialities of his life, and obsessions."

"From Bhangra to Bob Dylan to Buck Hunter; from faith to fate to Facebook; Nanerpus to nursery rhymes to NWA - this blog engages everything significant that is tilted, in need of tilting, or downright twisted in our withering world. Stating so may be cliche, but the uninitiated must be made to understand (and maybe we all need a reminder on occasion) - Desomnia in Drull is ultimately a blog about honey. Or this."

As for me, I guess Desomnia in Drull is as close as you're going to get to the slipstream of my consciousness. I use it as a place to express whatever is on my mind at a given time. Whether that be an introspective dreamscape, a political rant, questions that really have no answers or mindless babble, it all has a home here.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Do the Urkle!

While reminiscing about old ABC TGIF shows via youtube I ran across this gem that I feel I should share with all of you...

On Dreams

I've been bloggin' a fair number of dreams lately, which has brought up some interesting questions.

A friend recently made a comment to me that he's not sure if he believes my dreams or not. This confused me. Where would I come up with this stuff if not for in dreams? I like to think of myself as a creative person, but some of these are just way too far out there for me to come up with in my waking life. I wish I could to be honest with you. I think that I'd have far fewer bouts of writers block if I could.

Now this makes me question why I dream to begin with. Is this my minds way of transferring ideas from the subconscious (or even the unconscious) into a forum where I can actually begin to understand and utilize the concepts? Why do I dream when so many people tell me they never dream? Is it that they aren't dreaming or that they're not remembering them?

My dad seems convinced that my dreaming has something to do with the things that I eat. I'm not so sure about that. I've started consciously thinking about what I eat in the evening in hopes of finding out what it might be and using it to my advantage in achieving the ever illusive "lucid dream". However it seems that regardless of my diet, or lack thereof, in the evening I still have dreams. Is dreaming something that one can really control?

I've actually actively tried to dream at times when I haven't for a while. I lie in my bed and think of all the various things that I might dream about or think intently on one thing that I really want to dream about in hopes of gaining a greater insight into it. However it seems when I try to dream I don't and if I want to dream about something specific I end up dreaming about something completely different. Is it possible to control dreams or does that defeat the point in dreaming?

Do these dreams have any meaning? Is there some point that I'm missing that's hidden deep beneath the symbols and faces? Or is it just a result of misfiring neurons that happen to create these beautiful, strange or sometimes frightening dreamscapes? If it is just random mistakes of the mind how do they seem to fit together so well at times?

I guess this is where I'm left asking what is the relationship between dreams and art. Many of my dreams are as vivid as the best cinema and as captivating as the greatest novels. Are dreams the art of the unconscious?

Where does God play into all of this?

I know with all these questions I have yet to give a single answer. I wish that I had them, but I don't.

"We're so glad you were still able to make it."

Begin Dream

I was sitting at a table playing poker. There were only two other players left in the game. I was dealt a pair of Jacks in the hole. There was a round of betting but everyone seemed a little apprehensive to go all out before the flop. As the three cards were revealed I nearly jumped out of my seat but managed to keep my cool. It had come up A-J-J. First postion went all in with a small stack of chips. Quickly raised by the next in line with yet again another all in. I sat looking at my cards, knowing I had them both covered. I looked at the other players nondescript faces and slowly pushed my chips into the pot. The second caller burst out, "HA! You're done for!" As he hastily turned over a pair of aces. The first caller than threw his cards in the muck, but not before showing the last ace, knowing that all was lost. I chuckled to myself and politely asked, "Would you like me to turn them over or would you like to do the honors?" Without saying a word he reached across the table and one at a time turned over my pair of Jacks. He was furious. I grabbed the cash and left quickly.

Found myself on the street outside Seattle Central Community College. There were people everywhere. I'd never seen so many people in my life. Imagine Grand Central Station in NYC and multiply it by a factor of ten. I kept looking behind me, half expecting to see the men from the poker table following me with the intent to mug me. I weaved in and out of people as if performing the illusive snake dance. I was caught off guard when KelDel tripped me with a shopping bag. I smiled as she apologized and tried to help me up, but I dismissed her aid and began running through the masses of people. I reached the south edge of the college and there were large concert stairs and mammoth pillars that were worthy of the Parthenon.

As I broke out of the campus the setting changed drastically. The streets were all dimly lit, strange as it just seemed to be mid day, and there were questionable characters scattered about in groups. I was searching for a Mexican restaurant that I had a reservation at that I wasn't about to miss. Every street seemed to be lined with small restaurants all decorated with pinatas and corona flags. I stopped to look around, made a circle in the middle of the street and was bludgened from behind with a large metal pipe. I touched the back of my head and realized that I was bleeding. I turned around to find Mr Quick holding the assault weapon. His face turned red when he realized who I was, "I'm SO sorry! We've had a problem with hate crimes in this area and I thought you were one of the perpetrators." I shook my head and replied, "Well I'd say that you are the guilty party here." He then took a med kit from his satchel and bandaged my wound before giving me the exact address of the restaurant. I wasn't far at all.

I reached the painted doorway and descended the stairs. It was barely lit with candles, the style of which you'd find in a catholic church. A woman met me at the bottom of the stairs, "We're so glad you were still able to make it. I heard you've had a hell of a time trying to get here." I had no idea how she would have heard about my travels, but decided it best not to say anything. She led me to a small table near the kitchen and placed a margarita in front of me. I asked politely for a menu and she replied, "Your meal has already been decided." I gave her a puzzled look but was please enough to have a drink in front of me that I accepted it all for what it was. Only a few moments passed before she brought a large plate of food out. The plate was so hot that the clay was still glowing slightly. There was everything that you could ever want in a Mexican restaurant all on one platter. I just gazed at the immense amount of food while finishing my drink. Before I could even set the glass down she had brought me another one. I picked up my fork and decided to start with a corner that appeared to be some variation of bean and cheese. It was delicious. Each bite was ecstasy. I plunged my fork in time and time again until once when I did so a large chunk of mozzarella, warm enough to be gooey but not hot enough to burn, leap from up onto my face. I took my napkin and began to clean the cheese from my face but it just stretched and spread the more I tried till it was covering my whole head.

End Dream

Thursday, October 1, 2009


We got hit by a tsunami here in Washington. The massive wave measured 2-5 inches. I'm sorry I missed it.

There was also an earthquake in Shelton. I didn't feel it. Guess that mean it never really happened.

My boss accidentally brewed an entire pot of coffee at 230pm. I hate to see it go to waste so I guess I'm going to be drinking a pot of coffee this afternoon.


This is deteriorating quickly. I have to go now.

"They do in my dreams"

Desomniac: do your parents own a vacation house?
MNom: sadly, no
MNom: why's that?
Desomniac: they do in my dreams

First dream in the new place and it was a strange one...

The dream began with myself, NESF, PMR and MNom sitting around a table. MNom then proposed the idea that we all go to her parents vacation home down by Gig Harbor. This came as a shock to most of us because we were all unaware of this vacation home. There was a lot of discussion and we decided to go to the Fred Meyers to gather the needed supplies for the journey. The only thing I remember purchasing was three large (and I mean LARGE) bags of lemons and a few pounds of sugar. We wandered the aisles aimlessly for some time. When we returned to the parking lot I remember PMR having some problem with going. It wasn't that he had other plans but there was some moral objection to going.
As he departed we were joined by MNom's younger sister. We all loaded into a small Japanese sedan from the late eighties and began driving. It was surprisingly close, seemingly only to take half an hour to get there. We unloaded the contents of the car into the small house and then everyone else immediately jumped into the water which seemed to have suddenly appeared in front of the house.
The sun was shining and I just laid in the grass for some time. There were many people in the water, presumably from the surrounding houses. There was a jovial battle that involved NESF and MNom taking over a small dock with water cannons mounted on all sides. Anyone who tried to get near them was drenched with a blast of water strong enough to knock down an elephant. They would both laugh manically and exchange high fives with every direct shot. As the battle intensified NESF called out to me, "Hey we need rations! Bring on the lemons!!" So I went into the house to fix everyone some lemonade.
As I passed through the sliding glass door everything changed. The whole interior of the house had converted into a casino! There was a poker game in the corner, slot machines placed in haphazard positions around the room, and black jack tables lined the walls. A woman who was barely clothed came up and asked if I'd like a drink. I politely asked her, "What happened in here?" "I'm sorry sir I don't understand, it's just as it was when you left to smoke. You'd better get back to the table soon. [garbled noise] doesn't like to be kept waiting."
She then motioned to one of the black jack table where the dealer was staring at me and a man in a cowboy hat sat at the table shuffling his chips. I took a seat and the dealer pushed a large stack of chips in my direction. The mysterious man, without raising his head, said, "You may have me on the run now, but rest assured I'll outlast you."
Apparently we were engaged in some sort of blackjack tournament and I was doing very well. We played endlessly. My stack would dwindle slightly and then I'd get on a roll. Same for my opponent. At one point another man sat beside me and tried to steal chips from my stack. I kept swatting him like a common fly, before the dealer ejected the man from the house on the grounds of "unsportsman like conduct".
The end seemed to be near as my opponent was down to his last few chips and then lost a large handing leaving him with one single chip. Then for the first time he looked up at me revealing his face. Much to my amaze PMR was the one staring back at me. He spit to the side of the table and took a long drink from his cocktail before saying, "I may be down, but never count me out."

End Dream.