Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Are they connected?

I've been sick lately. It sucks. I just want to be healthy again. During my illness I've had a number of strange dreams. They've been a lot less coherent than usual. More just a series of imagines associated with an emotion or a scent, but I guess that's the way dreams are...


...I was in the car with my sister. We were arguing over which direction to go. We were on 124th (right by where we grew up). I kept insisting that we were going the right way and that the road would drop off soon. She kept telling me that it wasn't here. However when we reached the top of the hill and got out of the car. What used to be a large forested area was devoid of foliage with small sections of the land still burning. I pointed out a house to my sister, reminding her that we used to go there as children and get cookies from the old woman who lived there. She said that she remembered the house but she had no memory of where we were. With all the trees gone I was able to point out where our old house was. For some reason instead of going "home" we went down the hill that used to be covered in blackberry bushes. We walked for some time before coming to the bottom of a large cliff of sand. Here she handed me an object that resembled a staple gun. "You hold on to this". Everything smelt of burning leafs. I held the object in my hand and pulled the trigger. The wind began to spiral around me. It was like being inside a tornado. Then I wasn't there any longer. I didn't know where I was. I still don't know...

...Time passed and I found myself back at my old house. There was a large amount of chaos. Everyone was frantic and running about. Soon I found out that there was some sort of invasion taking place and one by one the houses in the neighborhood were being taken over. There were people there I didn't know and it took some time to locate my family. I found my sister first, who told me that our parents were no longer there. We searched all over for my little brother before finding him in the garage hidden behind piles of boxes and newspaper. We could hear a large vehicle pull into the drive way and a mass of men storm onto driveway. My siblings thought that we were all going to die, I did too for that matter. Until I remembered the strange object I'd used earlier. I told them both to grab onto me and no matter what happened not let go. I pulled the trigger and just as before the wind engulfed us. I remember falling the three of us together and nothing more...


...The land beneath my feet was plagued. The only things that grew were dead. I was wearing a loose fitting leather tunic that covered down to my knees. I was armed with a small knife and a series of bottles filled with liquid. I wandered for a short while before finding myself surrounded by a vigilante group. They shackled my hands and asked me questions that I couldn't answer. Finally one of the larger men in the group came forward and silenced all the others. "He'll be coming with me," he said. The other disbersed as quickly as they had arrived...

...we approached a small encampment that seemed to be abandoned. There were razed buildings all around and a small altar that seemed to be constructed of various body parts. "Don't take this for what you see," the man said to me as we passed under a series of low hanging branches. On the other side it was completely different. There were people everywhere. A large fire stood in the middle of the area. Everyone seemed to start whispering and glancing with suspicion when I arrived. "Don't mind them." We then went into the largest of the buildings. It was some sort of war room. There was a large three dimensional map in the center of the room. The map was separated into nine grids, each with a central location that appeared to be a castle of some sort. I walked up and began to study the map, when the man spoke, "Does this look familiar to you?" "I'm not sure, I feel like it should but I don't recognize it." This was the first time I got a good look at the man. He was taller than myself with shoulders twice as broad. He wore animal skins and had a large sword hanging by his side. He hands didn't seem human, they were easily three times the size of mine with thick nails more like claws. He pointed to a point on the map that was colored green, "You're here." He told me the name but I don't remember. He then went on to tell me the story of his people. They once controlled a section of land representing 5 of the sections on the map. Things were better than and the plants grew alive. But in recent years the other people who lived there became aggressive and had slowly been taking over their land until all they had left was the encampment that I was standing. "What does this all have to do with me?" I said. "You've been sent here to get our land back."...

...I was out of breath. My body ached all around. I was back standing over the map. 3 of the 9 sections now illuminated green. "You're doing well captain." I wiped my forehead with my arm, which came back smeared with blood and said, "at what cost."...

...The forest surrounded me. I was leading a massive force through the dense woods when we reached a clearing. There was a large grey tower not more than two miles off. One of the troops came up to my side, "Are you ready for this?" I replied, "I haven't been ready for any of what's happened."...

...We were back at the base camp over the map again. All but two of the sections glowed green. The ground beneath us was no longer bare dirt but grass. When people would come and go I could see large trees outside all flourishing. I sat down, completely spent and said, "am I done yet?" The man I first met replied, "Yes, you are done now. The rest we must do on our own."...

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