Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Gimme what I wanna need"

I'm holding for a customer right now. Their chosen hold music is all Disney. It's wretched. I can't stand it. Who in their right mind would choose that? If I was calling them as a customer I'd hang up and call their competitor...

I really need to get some taco truck. Those cute little mulitas and sopitos. I can taste them now. Its been far too long. Unfortunately it's a bit far to go for lunch. Maybe I can convince PMRob to go on Saturday. That sounds reasonable...

The title of this blog post comes from a hilarious game of rummy that was had over this past weekend. I like to think that a good time was had by all. But maybe it was just me. Either way it was worth it...

Tonight is meeting number one for the Ulysses's reading group. I'm not sure what to expect of it, but its a good group so I'm not sure how it could be bad. I'm going to push for a lil post meeting karaoke too. We'll see how that goes over...


  1. OH MAN. I could go for a little taco truck too... Think there's anyone we could talk into it for tomorrow??

  2. I have the Disney Lullaby CD the four of us use to listen to when you were little...I love reminds me of sweet little Adam running around yelling "dingalhopper" from "The Little Mermaid" :)
