Monday, October 5, 2009

What is Desomnia in Drull???

Those of you that have been around from the beginning may remember that when I started this blog I gave you a very vague idea of what to expect:

What is Desomnia in Drull?
The short answer is: It's a blog. The long answer is: The blog itself.

Now that I'm 300 posts into it here at Desomnia in Drull I've asked a few people who regularly follows the blog to send in a small blurb about what they think the blog is really about. If I didn't include you, that doesn't mean you can't participate. Feel free to leave comments about what YOU think this blog is really about...

"[Desomniac] generates a curious persona via his blog in that people might make the mistake of thinking him outlandish and irreverant, shocking for shock's sake, when really it's quite the opposite. [Desomniac] is very thoughtful and gives a lot of attention to getting various sides of a story before presenting his own opinion. He's not afraid to speak his mind, enter into a discourse on something inflammatory, or literally share his dreams in a public space where all of the above could be easily misinterpreted. He manages to avoid the pitfall of being repetitive and boring which often spells the death of a blog since both the writer and his readers tire of the subject matter. By keeping it varied, sometimes superficial and sometimes deep, sometimes mainstream and sometimes esoteric, Desomniac in Drull offers a reliable source of unpredictable distractions from the monotony of a 40-hour work week."

Spam Scout:
"Desomnia in Drull is the Venn Diagram center between dreams, local politics, music, watusis, Buck Hunter, and religion - written by a honky white devil with nothing to lose."

"The first three things that come to mind when I think of Desomnia in Drull - Random. Eclectic. Thought provoking. Through this blog [Desomniac] challenges his readers to think, to engage in dialogue and share his life and culture. Now, [Desomniac]'s culture may not be the same as anyone else's, but it exists nonetheless. ;) It's only by keeping up with Desomnia that I remain as connected as I am to the world beyond my immediate sphere of influence. There are so many elements that combine to create Desomnia in Drull. I love all of them."

"one mans rants and raves about the trivialities of his life, and obsessions."

"From Bhangra to Bob Dylan to Buck Hunter; from faith to fate to Facebook; Nanerpus to nursery rhymes to NWA - this blog engages everything significant that is tilted, in need of tilting, or downright twisted in our withering world. Stating so may be cliche, but the uninitiated must be made to understand (and maybe we all need a reminder on occasion) - Desomnia in Drull is ultimately a blog about honey. Or this."

As for me, I guess Desomnia in Drull is as close as you're going to get to the slipstream of my consciousness. I use it as a place to express whatever is on my mind at a given time. Whether that be an introspective dreamscape, a political rant, questions that really have no answers or mindless babble, it all has a home here.

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