Thursday, October 22, 2009

What would it feel like to have a drill dropped on your head?

If you ever really want to piss me off this is probably the best way to do it:

I'm sitting at my desk talking to a customer on the phone, actually working. I was in the middle of a conversation with this guy who is not particularly pleasant to begin with when our "handyman" places a ladder directly behind my chair. I give him a look that I thought clearly stated, "do you really have to do that now?" Apparently he did. He then started to open up the light fixture directly above my head. Apparently he had forgot something so he wanders off leaving the metal grating dangling over my head. While all of this was irritating it wasn't until he returned that I got really pissed. I was then checking my messages when he got back on the ladder, this time with a drill. He then began drilling into the ceiling making it impossible for me to hear my phone and showering me with fine white dust. I couldn't believe it. I was very tempted to kick out the ladder from underneath him as I had to snake my way out of my desk. I returned ten minutes later to find my entire desk covered in dust. Needless to say I'm not too happy right now. As if I needed another reason to hate my job right now.

This isn't my office, but it's almost exactly what I'm talking about.

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