Monday, October 19, 2009

Looking for Wyoming

Some time ago a friend of mine told me that Wyoming is a myth. To him the state wasn't really there and in order to perpetuate the idea that it was the federal government paid people to say they were from Wyoming and filled buses with cadavers then slapped "Wyoming" plates on the bus to further the illusion.

Now I'm not going to go that far. I have a good friend who claims to have lived in Wyoming and I believe him. Why would he lie about something like that? However I've not had a single visitor from Wyoming to my blog. Have I offended Wyoming with something I said? Up until the beginning of this post I can't imagine what it would have been.

In my years I've heard stories from Wyoming about hunting in freezing temperatures and accidentally wandering into abandon uranium mines. Other about great geysers and landscapes that continue off into eternity. Now that is the Wyoming that I want to see.

I'm not so down with the wolf massacres that seem to be common place out there. It understandable that you want to protect yourself and not have dogs running off with your cattle, but killing them by the pack isn't the answer. However I am willing to look past previous mistakes.

It's time for the people of Wyoming and Desomnia in Drull to form a lasting partnership. We could start by cross breding buffalo with watusis to creat a form of super cattle to would solve world hunger and train the wolf packs to be our unholy army of the night! If we join forces there would be nothing that could stop us! Combining our forces would result in a Utopian society where everyone would live in harmony.

Please think about the children (won't somebody PLEASE think about the CHILDREN!) and accept my gracious offer. Wyoming and Drull Forever.

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