Saturday, February 28, 2009

On the 7 again

The bus driver has no hair on top his head and a large beard. Three stops in and we've already had two lifts. The young man with the bike has no idea a small girl has been staring at him since he boarded. His helmet must act as a sort of armor in this place, much like my headphones. Everyone is protected in their own way.
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So I've been working on the blog today. I went back through and added "labels" to the majority of the post. I haven't got the oldest one yet, but soon enough I will. You'll also notice that there is now a label directory on the lower right of the page. Hopefully you all find it helpful. I know my blog titles can be a little esoteric...

Friday, February 27, 2009

One Man's Reality

Any of you with an interest about climate change and our environment should check out this new blog:
It's about polar bears and their struggle. A friend of mine is the author. He's pretty knowledgeable.

The long ride home

Its really not so long. Just 3 miles down rainier...

There are two men at the bus stop. One is yelling about proposed schedule changes. The other is shaking his head...

The bus is packed. There is an old woman who reminds me of my great grandmother. Only shorter...

I left work earlier than expected...

Tv on the radio is amazing. You should all check them out...

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I don't really like today

It's not the rain. Or the grey. Or work. I'm not sure what it is...

I spent the morning angry blogging. I encourage you all to get involved...

I forgot to do the old school lunch today. Maybe I'll have to do an old school afternoon snack. I really want to hear some NWA...

This scene is done...

Okay so after I posted this I got on Youtube and this brought me some happiness so I thought I'd share it with you:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I don't get it, but I guess I'm not supposed to

I have the best sister ever. You all should check out the layout that she did for indoorsprout. It looks great!...

After two weeks the rain has returned to Seattle. I didn't realize I missed it until it was back. My favorite seasons are early spring and late fall, which here in Seattle usually last 8 months but this year we've had to deal with the unfortunate episode that is winter...

Support out local economy, buy local...

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about a farm. I've decided that I should combine the two things that I want most in life: a farm and a library. I just need about 20 acres with a small hill. Something of an octagon with a circular building within it. With facilities to be completely sustainable: farm, dairy, brewery, granary, housing, livestock, etc. Maybe a stream for fishing, but I could always build a trout pond. Somewhere here in Western Washington. Anywhere else it just wouldn't be right, except maybe N Cali. Hopefully some day...

It all continues to collapse around us. If you are not frightened yet, you should be. And if you are frightened, know it will get better...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Drenched in milk and holy water

A great man once said, "And when we break we'll wait for our miracles." All I can say is: I'm patiently waiting for a miracle I fear will never come...

There is a stump in my back yard. It used to be an apple tree I believe. I'm hoping to be able to dig it out in the near future. I think that if I dig deep enough I'll be able to reach a point of eternal bliss. I'll use 2x4's to secure the dig walls at the entrance and a ladder to climb down. Once reaching the bottom of the ladder there will be a room with 20 foot ceiling and marble pillars. Artisans from far and wide will fight for a place to display their work in my underground city. The splendors of ancient Rome will seem like cave drawing next to the majesty of my creation. More likely though I'll just plant another tree there...

I'm beginning to realize more and more everyday that the world is not the place I was led to believe it was...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's nothing more than frivolous lies...

I want to talk about peanuts for a moment. Thats PEANUTS not penis, for those of you who get confused. Peanuts are a good food. That's all about peanuts...

A MONKEY ESCAPED FROM THE ZOO!!! It's a scene here in Seattle. The zoo is on lockdown. People are starting to panic. There have been reports of giraffes on the highway. Greenwood is over run with penguins and polar bears fighting for 85th Street supremacy. Not five minutes ago there was a group of elephants and aardvarks terrorizing a elderly patron at the Wallingford liquor store. What kind of world do we live in when a seventy-eight year old transvestite can't buy a 1/2 gallon of schnapps without being assaulted by a group of afrotheria?...

I need to get my focus back. I'm hoping that it comes in the spring. I have a lot of projects that are in the planning stage I really want to get off the ground (bhangra, archery, etc) and some that I've been working on but trailed off at some point. Maybe I just need to put a halt on all new hobbies until I can get some of these off the list...

If anyone out there has a wood lathe, hit me up in the comments. I still need to make a unicorn horn...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You won't notice till it's kissing you...

I started my first "website" today. It's for my new blog. You can find it here ( It's a good thing...

I'm really disappointed in the new Of Montreal album. There is a couple decent tracks, but overall I'm not a fan. Which is hard for me to say, because up until Skeletal Lamping I was probably the biggest Of Montreal fan in Seattle. I hope the next album is better. I've been listening to some of their old stuff, just to remind me of the good ol' days. I guess it's like looking at your 401k portfolio statements from 2007...

I have a couch on my porch. It's old and disgusting. No one would ever want it. I'm not sure what to do with it. We might try to compost it under the willow. Maybe it will just sit in the sideyard with the other nasty chair. Or if I get really motivated I might look for an old motorcycle engine and try to turn it into some kind of rocket ship. I think I could ride it to Mars...

Mobile Blog?

Im trying out a new thing. This Blog post is coming to you live from the 7...

Grey clouds loom outside. But the people are willing to forgive for a little sun...

Somethings off with my predictive text. Making this very painstaking...

There is a man wearing the most amazing helmet. Its metallic red covered in white stripes and glittering blue stars. Makes me wonder if the White Stripes had seen this helmet and decided to start a band...

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Everyone who's working is wishing they were at home. Everyone at home is wishing they were at work...

Monday, February 16, 2009


I added AdSense to the sidebar here. Hope it doesn't offend anyone. Hopefully it comes up with relevant ads that you all might find interesting. What do you think? Hit me up in the comments...

New Blog!

Here is the link to the new blog I mentioned before... ...I'm hoping to get an actual ".com" but that's the link for now...

I'm wearing a lot of brown today

I'm going to be starting another blog soon. I need a forum for my gardening adventures. I just need to settle on a name...

The class that I went to on Friday was really informative. Turns out that everything I'm doing in terms of my blog might be wrong. I'm not going to change anything about it though, because I like it the way it is...

The economy is bad. They just passed a stimulus package (not a bail out). Hopefully it works, but I'm sure that it's going to get worse before it gets better. Just remember to take care of each other out there...

It weirded Zach out that I blogged about him, so I'm going to do it again. He told me I look like I'm wearing a jumpsuit today. Then he told me a story about how he fell on his ass trying to assault this guy over an insulting game of beer pong. I haven't played beer pong in ages. Maybe I've grown out of it...

The hydroponics are up and running, sort of. Joe set up the timer, and while I thought it was working great, I think that I'm going to have to double check it. It was on at 10:45pm last night and shouldn't have been...

It's a holiday and I'm at work. Bah...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Semisesquicentennial, Demisesquicentennial or Hemisesquicentennial?

Today is a good day. Not sure why. Waking up was a little rough, but as soon as I got to work I was in a great mood. I think that it has something to do with all the Animal Collective I've been listening to (it's all I've listened to for days now)...

I'm trying to make a unicorn horn for our shipper. He's the last unicorn. He needs a horn. A majestic horn. With tassels...

Tomorrow I'm taking a class. It's called "Blog to Book". Looks interesting. Hopefully I'll learn some new techniques that I'll be able to show off for you next week...

Tonight everything is going to start to change. The garden has grown out of control and I can't reach it's inner workings, so it all has to move. Which means that I have to move the table, the shelves, the plants, the light, well everything in the dining room. In the end it will be better though. Peas are coming in nicely. And the bell peppers are shooting out flowers left and right. The tobacco is growing rapidly. Hopefully it doesn't take over. Wait, maybe thats a good thing...

I'm still laughing about honey...


Did you just rub honey all over yourself???

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A bright light in times of darkness

I've really been enjoying the new Animal Collective album (thanks nathan). It's unbelievably good, like really really really really good. The way that they harmonize is unlike anything before (except maybe Thom Yorke backing himself up on Black Star). And as such I feel obligate to share a piece of it with everyone out there in the blogosphere. Enjoy...

Now I'm angry. They used to have the official video up on Youtube and now it's not there. However I think that this is a pretty decent live version...

Monday, February 9, 2009

I have no idea what you're talking about...

You don't sell that garbage do you?...I've never seen something build so heavy end up being such trash...You can probably reach him on his cell...I need to see the availability of a part, and I'm trying to find the actual name...We're not doing any business with those guys...Thanks anyways...That's hilarious...I'm going to have to call you back...I don't want that Korean shit...Leave us a message and we'll call you back...Let's just send it back to Alaska where it belongs...For customer service press 1... I'm just gettin' rid of an email I was sending...Do you have an order number?...Hold on one second please...He's on a call would you like to hold?...We appreciate your patience...I need to make sure that we can do this...I'll have to send this to the correct department...I'm going to have to call you back...It's a going...Questions first...What kind of prices do we have on those...That's good to know...Unfortunately I've had those on back order since June...That's the one I need...I remembered...Can you send me out on priority tomorrow?...While I've got you...Have you seen our new website?...No message left....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A chilling vision of things to come.

Space avengers took over the comptroller and now we've got molds growing in crevasses that people didn't think could sustain life. There is a cool wind floating in the air, which many people have brushed aside as the icy hand of winter, but I assure you it's much more. The ice demons are amassing in the depths of the Pacific and we're rapidly approaching the breaking point. So in an effort to call for unity I urge everyone out there in the blogosphere to destroy your televisions, microwave your cellphones, incinerate your microwaves, and take to the hills now. The water is rising and we don't have much to look forward to...