Thursday, March 11, 2010

Smells like maple syrup

Ugh, I'm not ready for today, hence the early morning post. It helps me to avoid reality...

My neck is all fucked up. Yesterday the left side was sore. Thought I slept on it wrong. Today the right side is sore. I think I'm dying. If my head snaps off from the rest of my body don't be surprised. Just do me a favor and find some super glue to reattach it...

I'm stuck on the Plastic Beach. Can't get enough of it. It's just so damn good...

PMRob got rabies at the Blue Moon last night. I think that you all should take extreme caution if you're going there. Don't trust any dogs, no matter how friendly they might seem. You'll get the "ichy bump"...

I caught an earlier bus to work this morning. Whenever I do there is a certain man on the bus. He's very memorable because he is always wearing aquasocks with individual toes. You know those weird shoes you wear in a pool. I'm very interested by this. I want to know more, but I just can't bring myself to be like, "Hey dude, what's with the socks. You a merman of sorts?"...

It's a beautiful day in Seattle. 46 degrees with a drizzle. I woke up in a great mood and I think it's because of the rain. So far this winter we haven't seemed to have much rain. I think it's because when it's been raining its just been pouring buckets and then nothing for days. I prefer a light misting over months. Hopefully that's how our spring will turn out...

I guess that's all for now...

WAIT!!! I should mention that this weeks episode of LOST was amazing. Now that's everything...

1 comment:

  1. vibram five fingers
    are the name of the footwear
    that the yuppie wears
