Monday, March 29, 2010

A Sour Civil War Killed The Dream of Lying Awake Backstage.

I'm a bit sour on blogging lately. I'm hoping that by blogging it'll help me get over it. It usually works...

Seems like half the country is pissed off. Really pissed off. I've heard mention of civil war half a dozen times in the last week. Strange to think about a civil war in the USA. I think that the state government should pass some measure as a fail safe. Essentially that in the event of civil war the state of Washington would then become an autonomous nation that is to remain neutral. I bet Cali and Oregon would sign on with us. Let everyone else fight it out while we just chill. It's the west coast way...

We're all gonna die out here. We just don't now when...

Had a dream last night that I was house sitting my Grandma's place. She was out of town for like a month and I was trying to make sure everything was exactly how she left it. Somehow things got out of control and there was a massive party. I kept telling everyone they shouldn't be there, but no one listened to me. They all just kept inviting more people. Even her neighbors were in on the scene. Moral of the story: Grandma don't ask me to house sit for you, no matter what I do it'll end up badly...

As I was tring to fall asleep last night I couldn't. I often find myself thinking about random things when this happens. Last night I thought about domesticated farm animals and what the proper techniques are to avoid inbreeding. Then I thought about whether these things we considered in past ages. Finally I got bored with that thought and moved on to defensive architecture. Turrets and the like. That shifted to muslim architecture. Beautiful mosaics and minarets. When I move to a farm I hope that my property is protected with turrents with a giant minaret in the center. So I know which way to pray...

I went backstage at the Paramount on Sunday. It was this tour thing I went on with PMRob. Kinda cool. Definitely gives a different perspective...

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