Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Healthcare Reform

Everyone's got their own opinion. In the last two days I've heard a lot of them. I have this horrible trait about me that I can't step down from a political debate. The way I see it the bill's not perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than it was. I don't know what everyone else heard in the 2008 campaign, but I took it as a vote for Obama was a vote for Healthcare Reform and I for one am pleased that he followed through on that promise. Having recently seen how much medical bills can cost now a days I can say with certainty that we needed change. However I don't have time to argue with everyone one out there that's convinced we've turned ourselves into a Marxist society that is going to be spending tax dollars on illegal immigrants (many of whom pay taxes btw). My time is better spent doing things like blogging about tusks or cruising Youtube. So, I am officially stepped out of the ring on the healthcare reform debate. I don't want to hear any more about it.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm late for a date with other like minded individuals where we'll be dining on aborted fetuses and discussing how to move forward with the underhanded treachery needed to force the citizens of America into an Orwellian utopia. Peace.

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