Monday, January 12, 2009

I have no idea what to blog about...

So I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to blog about today, and I'm not having much luck. Seems like nothing is really happening on this dreary day in January. The sky is toned with suicide grays and everyone seems to be under the strange spell that is Monday. I guess I can't really complain about the weather. There isn't a foot of snow outside or a deluge of water bearing down on us (at the moment) and besides it's just really cliche.

I guess I'll tell you a little more about this project that I'm working on. It's a sort of epic poem, in the sense that it's long and a poem. It's all about the 7, but also not about the 7 at all, hence my obsession with the number 7. What I'm doing is taking 7 different concepts from 7 different religious ideals and forming a poem of 343 lines. Each stanza addresses one of the 7 concepts, however each stanza could be seen as an individual piece when read alone. Here's a little excerpt, it's unfinished as you may assume:

Jesus is sitting four rows up,

shaking his head, as a man, with a paper bagged 40,

slurs his words of the Lord

to anyone willing to listen.

Everyone around holds on to each word,

except for Jesus, who reads a sign out the window,

"I have a dream today."

It's a pretty interesting project so far. Most of the scenes are directly taken from my experiences while riding the 7 and then adjusted to be more as I see them, adding a little of my own interpretation. There are so many of them to choose from the whole thing is a little overwhelming, but I'm pleased with my progress so far. If nothing else I'm hoping that this will help break my writers block on another project. We'll see.

I really want to see the ocean soon. I hope it happens.

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