Saturday, January 31, 2009

...from a wise man (guest blog)

my name is ryan and i am guest blogging for adam.

once i took this humanities class in college. it was the last class before thanksgiving break, so the teacher was expecting a low turnout. instead of lecturing he decided to show a vhs tape he had of a 1960s soap opera.

the premise of the episode was that a "witch" had put a curse on this fictional city. the curse could only be lifted in one way. at night you would have a dream that would involve a random person from within the fictional city. you had to find that person and describe to them the details of the dream you had about them.

the episode we watched involved a man who had a dream with a woman in it. he knows he has to find the woman in order to lift the curse, so he goes searching for her. he finally finds her but it is late at night and she is asleep in her room on the second floor. he decides he should climb up to the second story window and enter her bedroom. when he awakens her to tell her about his dream, she freaks out and panics. he tries to explain the situation with the curse and tell her he is not violent. she runs to the telephone and calls the police. he tries to grab her in order to calm her down, but she begins biting and fighting him to break free. he gets scared and bolts.

at this point my professor stopped the video, the bell rang, and he said these memorable words...

"what is the moral of the story here folks? it is that you shouldn't tell people your problems because it is like rape. have a good thanksgiving."

he was a wise man.

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