Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Prophecies and Premonitions

Many years ago there was a prophecy. At some point in my life I will be betrayed by a close friend. And not just any friend, its a very specific individual whose name I won't mention, but he knows who he is. As it's been told I will be betrayed. Blood will be drawn on my wrists in malice. At this point I will be faced with one of two choices. Accept that my time has come and allow him to kill me or fight back knowing that one of us will not survive. I hope that it never comes to this, but I fear it might. He can be fairly aggressive...

All day long I've been having earthquake premonition. I'll just be sitting at my desk and all of the sudden it will seem as though everything starts shaking. A subtle shaking, but the kind that could easy continue for a long time and grow in strength. It's a very strange sensation. Hopefully I'm wrong and we're not standing on the brink of a major catastrophe. If we are I wish you all the best of luck and want you to remember to watch out for each other. Sometimes all we have is each other and it's that bond that prevents society from completely destroying itself...

1 comment:

  1. I had a crazy earthquake premonition 15 minutes before reading this.
