Thursday, December 17, 2009

Don't blame yourself -Blame society

So I was kickin' it low key with NESF last night at this place. We ordered some thai food. They said it'd be there in 15 minutes. We set up the SNES and got in some Mario Kart. I had an amazing come back after I had my ass handed to me. That went on for about 30 minutes. No food. I call the woman and she apologizes, tells me it's on the way. It showed up an hour after I placed the order. Decent viddles though. Then we got into some NBA Jam. I got ROCKED in a serious way. All of the sudden sirens. Lots of sirens. We spent half time trying to figure out what it was all about. All we could find were blips about Aggrevated Assault and Assault w/ Deadly Weapon. I was a bit concerned because the incident occurred half way between my place and his and I still had to go home at some point. Luckily a confused bout of Battletoads and Zombies Ate My Neighbors gave it some time to clear up...

So about this "incident". Turns out that it was one of four stabbings in Seattle last night. It happened about 2 blocks from my place at a homeless shelter in a church. Not so much a stabbing as a throat slashing. Now I'm all for helping the homeless. I don't mind that the shelter is in my neighborhood. I just ask that they have a no weapons policy and enforce it. There's no reason to be slittin' people in the jugular especially in God's house...

I still haven't started holiday shopping. It's getting down to the wire. I think I'm going to do it on Sunday. Maybe Saturday. We'll see how I feel...

After trying to get pics for the last post I've decided I need to look into graphic design. I got really pissed off that I couldn't find just the right zombie picture. Or a picture where the water resembles razor blades. When I'm putting pictures in a dream blog post I really want the pictures to be as close as possible to what I'd seen and nothing was even remotely close. So if any of you know of a good way to teach yourself graphic design I'd appreciate some direction...

This just in from Wisconsin: Tax. Pulsar. Jellyfish.

Later revised: Tax. Pulsar. Fun.

One word makes all the difference.


  1. so are you blaming society for your weight and drinking problems?

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    Are you someone who enjoys cutting people down on the internet?

    If so, there are a lot of sites where people like yourself can criticize strangers' weight all day long (,, Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan photos abound, and you can discuss every aspect of their beings at great length and without repercussion. And you'd be among like-minded people - unlike here.

    If that's not your thing and you actually know Desomniac, I can only guess that you have a problem with him. And I would hazard a guess that your problem has nothing to do with food or drink. If so, why don't you try being direct and tell him what's bothering you, maybe even have a discussion? It's what real grownups do and it's been proven quite effective.


  3. My first reaction to that comment was anger. After a lot of thinking, I am now just sad.

    How poor of quality is Anonymous' life that s/he would need take a dig at Desomniac? A person leading the true rich life - surrounded by people who care and celebrate him regularly.

    I hope things get better for Anonymous, so that they no longer have to veil their trolling fuck-waddery.

    Does anybody have a mirror to lend?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. There are many Anonymous's out there - so cowardly and uncreative. It's boring, immature comments like these that remind me what a rare person Desomniac is.
