Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It'll be 6' tall this time next year.

I really hate Tim Eyman. Enough so that I started a facebook group a while back "Tim Eyman: Stop Wasting Our Time!". Turns out that it is the largest group about Eyman. Why am I bringing this up? Because he's going to be back at it for next year. Hopefully this time around he fails to get the signatures needed to put it on the ballot. Hopefully...

Magnesium deficiency...

As y'all know I'm reading Ulysses. I came across a strange part. He's getting some lunch and decides that he wants Burgundy and a gorgonzola sandwich. Now it's a real small thing in the story but seriously gorgonzola? I've never heard of anyone eating a blue cheese sandwich...

Low humidity...

I'd completely forgotten how great TV on the Radio is. I need to make sure that doesn't happen again...

Epsom Salt...

I'm thinking that I might need to get a holiday tree. I don't know where I'd put it or what I'd put on it, but it seems like something that I should have. Maybe I'll just get a lil seedling and let it grow for a few years in my apt...

1 comment:

  1. I eat gorgonzola sandwiches!! Open-faced on toast with tomato slices. Delicious.
