Friday, January 22, 2010

America for sale and no one cares

So if you've heard about the recent supreme court ruling you already know that we're in for big change on how elections are funded in the future. Through a loop hole in the law foreign companies (governments maybe) will be able to contribute to elections through their american subsidiaries. WHAT? REALLY? And when I go to read more about it on my phone not only can I not find an article but you know what I find in it's place "Bristol Palin demands child support." WHAT? REALLY? That's what we care about?

1 comment:

  1. that bristol palin
    is not the problem, no sir,
    she's a buzzing fly

    all that empty space
    in american's know-how
    must be filled somehow

    to enact change, join
    the revolutionary
    communist party
