Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"All I wanted was a kitty and they gave us this schizophrenic tiger"

I "stumbled" across this pic earlier. I think it's fitting:

There is a procession today for Deputy Kent Mundell Jr (RIP). I want to go back to the days that I could hit up the Seattle Times website and not have the front page feature something about dead cops. It doesn't seem like that long ago...

In other local news McGinn was sworn in as Mayor. As many of you know I supported his candidacy. However that doesn't mean I'm going to idly sit back and hope he does the right thing and neither should you. If you want something changed in Seattle contact him NOW and don't let up until it happens. Elections are full of idealistic promises some of them good and some of them bad. Make sure the good ones don't fall to the wayside with the bad...

In other political news what the hell is going on in Massachusetts? Naked Republicans? Whodathunkit?

1 comment:

  1. I think the size of the rear view mirror is telling.
