Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Unmonitored Outlet

Lately I've been wishing that I had an "unmonitored outlet". A place where I can just rant into space and no one will ever hear what I say. Where words just overflow into a vast sea of unconscious thoughts waiting for someone in a later generation to uncover that long lost concept I'd left behind.
The blog was the first attempt. However the more that I got into to actually blogging the more I wanted people to read or see what I was posting. This led to it being more prolific than the "UO" I was hoping for. However I felt that there was still some way to accomplish my goal.
I started a twitter account for that very reason. I thought, "I'll just write whatever I'm thinking about!" That was short lived and survived mostly on musical lyric quotes that I was listening to at the time (you'll notice the same of many blog titles here). And then I realized that what I was looking for didn't come in "tweet" form (exception: "poo tee weet") Now I mostly just use it for local news and as a tool with other blogs.
It's only recently that I remember how it used to happen. I was packing boxing, I'm moving, and I ran across a stash of old notebooks. How had I forgotten! I've been so used to working with small note pads and scraps of paper with my last project I'd completely forgot about notebooks.
Technology doesn't replace our unconscious. It just gives us a small glimpse at the trends of society. What runs between all of us is so much greater than technology and to think that I'd forgotten that is blasphemous. I'm back to my notebooks needless to say.
So in the future I think that I'm going to publish "unmonitored outlet" content, however it will be monitored (I realize the paradox). I'll be honest a lot of it is just gibberish, but every once in a while I come across a gem that leads to something much larger. That's how all my projects start essentially. This way you'll just a sneak peak of whats to come.

1 comment:

  1. You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view
