Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Are you serious!?

Rep Wilson...ohhhhh where do I begin. How about with Carol Fowler via CNN ...

"Never has any member of Congress shown such disrespect for the president during a speech," Fowler wrote. "One would think that as a member of the military, Joe Wilson would have more respect and patriotism than he displayed tonight. When Congressman Wilson insulted President Obama, he also insulted the American public. Joe Wilson is a poor example of a statesman and an American. He owes an apology to the president and the American people."

Here's something the man himself had to say via Fox News...

"This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the president's remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill," Wilson said in a written statement. "While I disagree with the president's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the president for this lack of civility."

Okay one more from bloomberg...

\"House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat, said he’s attended some 40 presidential speeches during his 28 years in the chamber and Wilson’s conduct was unprecedented.

“I’ve never heard a member discredit the House, demean the House in that manner,” Hoyer said.\'

Now I understand that people have differences but this was completely out of line. Even in my own debates I don't allow this kind of nonsense. It degrades him, the State of South Carolina, the US House of Representatives, and the President of the United States, not to mention every American citizen.

And to Rep. Wilson I say: I hope that during your next chance for re-election the people remember the great deal of disrespect that you brought about our whole country. We're better than that and you should know it.

And if we're not than I guess America is really dead...

UPDATE: Now this is nonsense. Just recently Rep. Wilson posted this on his Twitter account "Finishing up a video to post on our web site responding to the liberal attacks. Stay tuned." Is he serious!? Does this really have anything to do with partisanship. He disrespected the President. Everyone in America should be offended, liberal and conservative alike.

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