Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Looking for Dakota

Oh Dakota's why have you ignored me? Is it because of my left wing tenancies? Maybe because of my urban position? Or just the cut of my jib? I don't know. So instead of lamenting why you haven't already I've decided to give you a reason, hell why not many reasons to come visit my blog...

First off, we're not all that different. I love farms and long for an agricultural life. It might not be to the extreme that you go (those winters are just too much) but we could at least talk about irrigation techniques and how to properly discipline children into doing all the hard work.

My undying love of the watusi aside, I think that the buffalo is pretty awesome. Given the opportunity I could see myself riding one around. I'd name it Shelly and knit it a poncho. And when people made fun of her I'd remove the poncho to expose her harden titanium exoskeleton and then let her do her thing.

And to top it all off you grow my favorite grain of them all, CORN!!! You even have a Palace dedicated to corn! When I finally make it out there I plan to find myself a giant corn field and just run around in it until I finally collapse into a giant pile of corn husks. Then I would begin old Balkan harvest rituals with the land. It's a little X-rated, but I can assure you that the harvest would thrive for years to come.

I also have a lot of things to offer you. Like strange ramblings from a distant place. Seriously, where else are you going to find such an awesome collection of youtube clips? Or vivid dreamscapes? Those might come in very handy. And while this may seem trivial I think it can help make your lives richer. Further understanding your fellow man will give you a renewed pride in our great planet, more for our differences than for the similarities.

Finally I just want to say to all of you in North Dakota and South Dakota: C'mon, try it. I think you'll like it. It makes you feel real nice. All the other kids are doing it. C'mon, just once. The first times free. The first times always free. Once you try it you'll never understand how you got by without it.

1 comment:

  1. You've plead your case. The ball is in their court now. Good luck.
