The situation in Iran is horrible. If I was there I'd be in the streets too. I am pleased to see that the Iranian people are standing up for democracy though. If there is anything I can do to support them I will...
The yard is starting to look amazing! I got the space behind the shed cleaned up and am starting to think that could be a huge asset. It wasn't easy to move the compost pile, but well worth the effort. Next step is going to be getting the beds around the house all weeded out so the hops don't get strangled. Maybe this weekend...
It has been 28 days with no rain here in Seattle. Its strange. I guess a couple more and we've got a new record for the driest spring. The weathers been nice but it really makes me wonder at what cost? (see previous blog post)...
I bought a new charcoal grill last night. It's been a while since I've cooked on charcoal and I kinda screwed up last night and let them cool down too much before throwing on the meat. Hopefully round two won't be quite such a failure. We'll see...
I was at lunch today listening to Revolver when I had a realization: it'd been way too long since I'd heard "For No One". Great track. That whole CD is amazing. I can't wait for September when I get to hear all of their music remastered....
Radiohead's Palo Alto just came on my iPod. Now all I can think of are agricultural skyscrapers....

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