Thursday, June 4, 2009

No connecting actions and words

Seattle is sweltering. 90 degree temperatures in the beginning of June is too much. They say relief is on the horizon. We just have to make it through today...

I just finished reading President Obama's speech in Cairo. That man continues to inspire me. I'm glad that we finally have a president whose concern for the Americans in unwavering but also recgonizes the plight of others in the world. He also referenced a great quote from Jefferson that I think is still very true today, "I hope that our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us that the less we use our power the greater it will be." One thing that he said that really stuck with me was, "If we choose to be bound by the past, we will never move forward." This hit home for me and I think that he's been able to express an idea that I've believed for a long time but have never been able to phrase so eloquently...

I've been making some progress on the Festival Front. I got a blog post up yesterday on the Lucile Street Brewing Blog. There is a lot of information there about the stuff we're going to try to get accomplished. However if any of you have some ideas for other things don't hesitate for a moment to throw them my way. With the way things are shaping up so far I think we may be doing it big enough this year to make last year seem like child's play...

I've got a meeting this weekend about 7. I think that I'm getting much closer to a final product. But just to hold everyone over here's another little excerpt:

Jason Itzler entered from the middle door wearing a coat of animal skins and a feathered hat, hoping no one noticed his presence. He was aided by a group of rival girls, "I don't know who you think you are!" The words echo down the narrow hall and fall upon the ears of Christ, sitting four rows up shaking his head. Jason glances around quizzically. "I'm going to show you who I am!" Two women in oversized coats rise from their seats and begin to assault the others. Further forward a man begins to slur quotes of the Lord to anyone willing to listen. Everyone was going back and forth between the violence and the false prophet. Finally the skirmish subsides. Jason takes a seat in the rotunda and pulls out a small mirror as a young girl tugged on his leg, "Have you seen my mommy?" He couldn't bring himself to suggest that she may be the one bleeding on the floor. Jesus weeps at his creation as he reads a sign out the window, "Homeless, God Bless".

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