It began when I was looking out a window, I think it takes place on Vashon, and without any warning explosions happened everywhere. But not like mushroom clouds, just flashes of light and then nothing. The house I was in was destroyed. A young girl offered myself and two other people (im not sure who they were but i was definitely with them) refuge but we had to hide from her parents. I was discovered and thought the parents would kill me for sure but instead they asked me to help coordinate the response. We started building large walls built of the various fence parts we could find. There was a large argument about food and I was placed in charge of making sure everyone was fed. So I gather up a group of men. We looked like those descriptions you hear of the Colonial army early in the war. Half of us were armed, half weren't even wearing shoes and we went out to find all the food that survived.
We loaded rickshaws with canned and dried foods that we scavenged from houses. When we were digging for food we often found bodies. It was horrific. We gathered all the bodies and burnt them in the streets. I vividly remember pulling the rickshaws back to our "base" and the way we knew to get back was to follow the piles of burning corpses. I'm glad I can't remember the smell of dreams. When I got back everything was looking up. Somehow Elizabeth was there and she had rallied all of the people left to begin tilling the land. They had planted a giant garden. The last thing that I remember was the image of approximately 10 people hunched over planting seeds in the earth, while pillars of smoke rose behind them. When I woke up I was extremely detached. I laid in bed for an hour before getting up.

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