Friday, May 14, 2010

If everything I'm told is true

I have no reason to care anymore. Might as well just give up and let them win. In time I think I could even grow to respect them. Maybe even love them. Any problems that occur by their actions won't happen until long after I'm dead. Then it's not my problem. I'm only worried about myself like a good God-fearing American. Let the next generations worry about green house gases, energy dependence, environmental disasters...

There are days that I really that I could. However I can't accept that. Defeat is not acceptable. This aggression can not stand! Too many generations before us have taken that very approach and left us with up against the wall.

Every time I hear more about what going in the gulf I get angrier. Rage is nearing maximum level. I'm about to burst and just start spewing out 5,000 barrels a day!!!

Now is the time to step up and make sure this doesn't happen again. I don't want to hear anybody giving up. Remember what Captain Planet told us all as children, "THE POWER IS YOURS!" It's still true.

I was pleased to hear the western states are already making moves to permanently ban drilling on the pacific coast (excluding Alaska). This is a great step forward however it's not far enough. We need to make sure that other states follow suit. If the federal government isn't paying attention we need to make sure that they know we are and we're not going to tolerate it anymore. If it happens in the gulf it could happen here.

Grab your pen!!! Write some angry letters people!!!! Before this is the only fate we have to look forward to...

1 comment:

  1. the boomers failed, yes?
    sheltered under the damocles' nuclear penumbra.
    a fate and fare too terrible to contemplate
    they did not contemplate
    (half of my grandfolk agitated for suffrage
    half designed the enola gay
    but, hay, at least they were active)

    and so here we are
    a malady of maladys confounded and trebled
    the dealer must be punished,
    and in doing so, pain the user, petrol-needy, (you, me, we)
    they in charge will perhaps retire in shame.
    now that is an awful punishment, dont you think?
    what most strive for?
    oh so awful.
