Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Wow. Wow. What started out as a rather boring episode of Lost took a turn for the tragic last night.

Quick recap off island: Jack saved Locke and wants to operate on him again. Bernard made an appearance as a dentist who operated on Locke in his first accident. Locke ends up saying no because he's punishing himself for crippling his father. Great scene in the end with Jack and Locke with Jack saying "I wish you had believed me" (the same words in Locke's suicide note to Jack). The side-flash is starting to get really interesting. Which is a good thing, I was struggling with that the first part of this season.

Back on the island! Oh god. So they all end up on Hydra Island. Jack/Flocke/Sayid set out to "free" the others from Widmore. Sayid kills the power (queue the black smoke) and Flocke decimates the guards. Everyones free and they head to the plane. Plane's rigged to blow. They give up on that and head for the sub. The plan is to get everyone but Jack and Flocke on the sub and then head out. In the scuffle (why didn't Flocke just smoke the guards?) Kate gets shot (that's probably why) which leads to Jack getting on the sub to fix her. They start the dive, Jack gets his pack only to find no med supplies but instead the bomb that was supposed to blow up the plane! FLOCKE IS OFFICIALLY EVIL!!! All his talk about saving them was all a lie. Jack wants to let the time on the bomb run out, because Flocke can't kill them it won't go off, but Sawyer isn't having that and pulls the wires. Now it's running down at double speed. In a final act of sacrifice Sayid runs to the other side of the sub and dies. So it goes. But not before telling us that Desmond isn't dead (YAY!). They're still underwater and sinking now. Sun gets stuck. Hurley gets Kate out. Sawyer takes a beam to the head. Jack has to save Sawyer leaving Jinn to save Sun. No such luck. They both drown. So it goes. We have to assume Lapidus is dead too. So it goes. Ends with Jack, Hurley, Sawyer and Kate on the shore and then a very angry Flocke who sets out to finish what he started.

Okay lets address a few things. This episode was officially a BLOOD BATH. I've been waiting for it to happen at some point, but this actually caught me off guard. Sayid I can understand. I wish Kate had done it instead, but thats how it happened. I'm very pleased that in the end he was working for good. I am going to miss his commando antics though.

Lapidus, sorry dude, but who cares. He could have been killed off long ago and no one would have known the difference. Strangely enough we never actually see him die, which means he might not be dead. But I can't imagine he's got much to do with the plot from here on out.

Sun and Jinn. I'm officially in mourning over this. They just got back together!!! At least they got to die together. We still never found out which of them is the candidate though. My guess is going to be Sun. If Jinn were the one I think something would have forced him to leave the sub but he didn't. AND NOW THEY'RE DEAD!!! DEAD!!!!! I remember back when the plane first crashed and I loathed Jinn. Then he helped build the raft, learned English, nearly died on the freighter, went back to the 70s and I came to really like that guy. I've always loved Sun; her slightly sly nature, how she was the only one to plant a garden, or just her kickin' body. It's a great tragedy that these two are no longer with us. But at the same time they are. Everyone is still alive in bizzaro world so we'll get to see more of them before this is all over (remember that Jinn was in the hospital as Locke was leaving?).

Here's the big question that I have. How is that Sawyer was able to detonate the bomb. Jack could blow up the dynamite with Richard. Isn't it the same principal? Candidates aren't supposed to be able to kill themselves. I guess this loop hole might be explained by the fact that Sawyer himself didn't die and I haven't heard of a rule saying candidates can't kill each other. But still.

All-in-all a great episode! I should mention to all of you that they've decided to extend the finale by 30 minutes in order to give themselves more time to wrap it all up. I will leave you with one final question...

Where's Walt?

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