Tuesday, November 17, 2009

If it were only a fear of clowns

I've had trouble falling asleep lately. Last night I laid down at 11:30 like I do pretty much every work night. I felt tired but as soon as I was in bed I couldn't sleep. I laid there for two hours that I remember with a million different thoughts rushing through my head. What is exactly is Hayden teaching in the first chapter? Did I turn off the oven? Is it there something that can be done to make things better or is time the only answer? Should I work on Buried West on my week off or try to finish Metro? What really lies at the deepest parts of the ocean, Atlantis? When I die who do I want to give my eulogy? What if he wasn't really teaching anything and instead they were just painting or sculpting or something? Why can't I just fall asleep. It's been like that for the past two nights. Hopefully tonight will be different, but I don't have any real reason to think that it will be. I just wish that when I can't sleep at least I could come up with some answers.

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