Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Seriously. Do it now. You don't have much time. For each of you that doesn't vote the Chinese are going to kill a baby. Well maybe not that extreme, but still. If you don't vote the system fails. It only work effective if EVERYONES voice is heard. For those of you in King County who didn't get a ballot go here! I was there yesterday (thanks dad). They'll set ya up. I STRONGLY recommend that if you do that you have them print you a replacement ballot. DO NOT USE THE MACHINE!! If you do and there is any problem with your ballot it probably won't be counted. If you did get a ballot and just need to sent it in here is a list of places you can drop it off.
If you're not in King County there are still resources available to you. Hit up the Secretary of State's website for more info.

Now I know I've said it before, but the single most important issue on your ballot is Ref 71. We need to APPROVE REF 71. If it fails it could open the door to a whole new wave of state sanctioned discrimination. If we can deny these couples rights by referendum who's to say that the next ballot measure won't be to take away civil liberties from another group of people. We need to all stand up and say "Washington isn't a home for discrimination".

Oh yeah, one more plug. NO ON I-1033!!! I don't know why we even let Eyman propose initiatives anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so far victories across the board! I'm still glad I took the time to vote from here even though mailing my ballot from Argentina is not the most sure-fire way to get one's vote counted, but hey, I tried. Ask me to tell you how I managed to vote THREE TIMES in the presidential election last year from Argentina... I figure at least one of them had to have counted!
