Thursday, November 12, 2009

Boredom, Headhunters and Constantine's Symbol

My job is horribly boring of late. After my bosses decided that we were going to have to "agree to disagree" I've lost all motivation. It's not that I'm not doing my job. It's just that I don't have any desire to do anything that isn't my job. This has left me with a lot of free time at work. I'd rather have a job that is mentally stimulating, but it's been giving me a decent amount of time to work out the outline for Buried West. I also play a lot of Bejeweled. It's so addictive...

I watched another documentary that I didn't mention last night. It was called "The Airmen and the Headhunters". It was super interesting. I'd recommend you watch it too. Oh how I love PBS. I could watch it all day long if it weren't for the overwhelming number of kids shows during the day. But I guess kids deserve public television too.

I was trying to remember what the Labarum was called. I couldn't remember for the life of me. I knew that Constantine used it in battle so I did a google image search for "Constantine's Symbol". The image below was included in the page one results...


  1. I'm sure you've found it nearly a year later but the symbol you are referring to is known as the "Chi Rho"

  2. such image it´s filthy!!
