Thursday, April 15, 2010

"The delicious part is what it does on the inside"

I've been sick. It felt like my sinuses were going to implode upon my brain. It was most unpleasant. However it did give me time to watch The Princess Bride. I also watched a bunch of the BBC series Robin Hood. It was alright. I don't know if I'd recommend it all that highly...

That being said I am in love with Netflix on my wii. I don't know if I've mentioned it before but it's one of the greatest things ever. If it wasn't for the switch to digital for local stations I'd cancel my cable altogether. Luckily it doesn't cost me that much...

Why is Pho so magical? A friend of mine recommended Aardvark to me a while back, so I decided to ask it this same question. The first response I got was, "Calves or chicken feet. They provide the gelatin that gives the broth that rich, unctuous texture." I don't think that's true *It's been brought to my attention that this is probably true, for some reason I was imagining calves AND chicken feet, but now it makes sense to me. I've also been told that it's in the Anise*...

I really wish I had some raw fish right now. Salmon. Tuna. Doesn't matter...

Yes, a boat of raw fish, that'd do nicely...

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