Monday, August 10, 2009

It would just be wasted on you

Last night I had a dream about keytars. I was in a large church auditorium with a group of friends, some I've seen recently, other I haven't seen in years. Everyone who was there had some kind of music experience. We were all sitting scattered about in the pews waiting for something. None of us knew what we were waiting for. I decided to get up and wander about. Being the only one without a musical background I was immediately a victim of social isolation even though they were all my friends.

I was pacing around the back row of pews when I noticed a small door in the far corner of the room. I quickly approached it to find that it was slightly ajar. Upon opening it I found a large cache of keytars. There was close to a hundred of them piled up. I pulled one out and hit a couple of notes. Much to my astonishment it worked. The notes echo'd through the room and suddenly everyone was staring at me. I could hear all kinds of shouts, "Where did ya get that?!", "You don't even know how to play it, pass it here", "What do you think you're doing with that thing!?"

As the crowd was becoming more and more unpleasant two people stepped forward, Jonny Durango and an old friend from primary school Ray. They positioned themselves in a way that acted as a buffer zone between myself and the mob. Many words were exchanged. The mob questioned why they would want to protect me. They spoke of how such a find would be wasted on a mind like mine. Jonny played the role of the muscle while Ray the diplomat, I just stood without moving. After fighting a few of them off physically and a long debate, little of which I remember, I was allowed to keep what I had found.

All of their eyes beat down on me as they insisted that I play the instrument. I placed my fingers on the keys and played a few notes. Some people smiled, others grimaced in horror. After the acoustics had made their final vibrations I set down the keytar and asked if anyone else would like one. Everyones jaw dropped. I then opened the small door fully, exposing the piles of keytars. No one asked me why I hadn't said anything earlier. They all just formed a line and waited patiently until they all had an instrument of their own.

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