Friday, December 5, 2008

Dear Asshole

Someone stole the atheist sign from the Washington State Capitol. Now personally I wasn't a huge fan of the sign. I think that they could have gotten their message across without being so negative. However. This is America. You don't go around stealing fucking signs from a state building because you don't like what it says. Now I don't know about these asshole theives, but I'd rather not turn our great country into a fascist haven where all our rights are oppressed and you're nothing more than a battery for the state. The atheists have just as much right as every other religious group represented in our state capitol.
So to the person who committed this shamefully cowardice act I say, you're an asshole. And beyond that you are a threat to our freedom. I hope you're arrested and deported to some fucked up country. Like Burma. Where they do things to you that I won't mention in this forum.


  1. But using a Dino Rossi sign as a doormat is legit. We didn't steal it....arguably.

  2. Hey man I didn't steal anything. That was a gift from you. As for how you got it, well, that's between you and God.
