Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I'll let you all in on a little secret. At heart, I'm afraid of Karaoke...

Another beautiful day in Seattle...

Rode the ever elusive 9 this morning. The 9 is one of the most interesting buses in the city. It travels from Rainier Beach to Capitol Hill making only express stops on Rainier. The people are what make the experience, coming from all walks of life. There was a boy with large diamonds in his ears wearing a back turned ball cap with the sticker still proudly displayed sitting next to a woman who appeared to be a nurse for one of the local hospitals. Students were everywhere with their text books drawn, trying to get those last few minutes of studying in before getting to class. A group of women at the front of the bus were all carrying garden tools and speaking in a foreign language. The 9 is made for everyone. And there I was in the rear lounge, headphone defenses, watching it all around me...

For all of you who don't know about the Olivia Tremor Control, I highly recommend them. There is just something about their sound that just screams out an affirmation of everything right and good in the world. It's very powerful, but not the kind of power that crushes you. It more wraps itself around you and does everything within its strength to lift you up...

Many people now have mentioned that my blog is either "dark" or "depressing". I guess I just don't see it that way. Too all of you who do, I encourage you to search for the drull in it all. Keep in mind that through all the desolation there is still a sense of forgiveness. It's that forgiveness that gives us sanguine composure to keep going...

We barbecued last night. It was good. Spent hours in the yard soaking up the sun. David and Christina came over, along with Evan and Mickey. Matt made a cameo appearance. I got the trellis in place for the rose bush. It's afternoons like that that make Seattle the best place to live...

The farmers market is tonight. I've been a few times so far this year. It has yet to impress me, but it's early. I might buy some tomato plants and some bread. Could always use some more cheese. Armando is supposed to be back soon. Maybe he'll be there today and we can make the Kung Fu Crying Game. I'm not going to get my hopes up...

Here's another quote that I have up at my desk. "This wasn't the sea of inexorable horizon and smashing waves, not the sea of distance and violence, but the sea of of the eternally leveling patience and wetness of water. Whether it comes to you in a storm or in a cup, it owns you - we are more water than dust. It is our origin and destination" -Denis Johnson...

There are planning a new skyscraper in Dubai. The entire structure is designed to move continuously, never looking the same twice in a life time. It's an interesting idea but begs the question: Just because we can does it mean that we should?...

The brewing season is upon us. We have very ambitious goals for the next few weeks. We'll see if it all gets done...

Locksmiths can be a wretched group of people. In the five years that I've been dealing with them I've found them to be an impatient, demanding, foul, ignorant, controlling, rude, racist, insane, dillusional, trite, odorous, cynical, offensive, nefarious, sorry lot. But in the end they're not all bad. I guess its not just locksmiths...

The city took the Sonic to court. After all that's happened in recent years, who still cares?...

I've developed a hatred of plastic. It's everywhere. I planned to spend a day a while back trying to figure how many times I encounter plastic in my daily life. I gave up before I even left my house. Ever since I've been trying to eliminate as much plastic from my life as possible. For every one thing I cut out, I realize 10 more that I should. In my immediate view I can identify 100 different things made of plastic in less than a mintue. 100 years ago there was no plastic. They seemed to get along ok...

One day I hope to go to Monaco. I don't know much about the people there or the sights to see or exactly where is it. I guess it just seems like the kind of place that I'm supposed to want to go...


  1. Interesting point about the skyscraper in Dubai. I am also torn between our civilization's quest for achievement and our pathetic failure to address the world's devastating poverty. A skyscraper that is constantly moving...why don't they build one that moves across the Earth feeding children and solving political disputes?

  2. It's OK Adam karaoke is harmless, you just have to go up there a couple times to prove it to yourself. The quotes on your desk at work, are you logging all the stuff you put in your Googletalk message? Good stuff, you should...
