Monday, June 23, 2008

The Faults of Postmodernism

So I was trying to think about something to blog about today. At first I was going to write a fine essay about how people should write more essays, not to convey a point or argument, but just for the shear act of writing. However I ran into the problem of all post-modernism, that in an attempt to express itself all meaning becomes so cliche its renders itself void. End result, a lot of babble and circular logic. Nothing worth spending much more time talking i'm just going to ramble for a while about other meaningless stuff.

On my desk you can find the following things: An empty coffee mug, two "kinyo" speakers, a man named Reynold smiling from a business card that reads "THE MAGIC TUXEDO", a can of air, a stapler, an old bottle cap and piece of paper with the quote "I have always imaginged that paradise will be some kind of library" - Jorge Luis Borges...

I was at a BBQ over the weekend and I have one piece of advice to everyone out there. If you're about to drop your hotdog, just let it go. By fumbling to try to catch it you will send condiments everywhere. I know this because I was unfortunately covered in grilled onions, mustard, relish, ketchup, avocado, sauerkraut, and god only knows whatelse was on this dog from hell. Thanks again Mickey....

They keep finding shoes off the coast of British Columbia. They all have human feet inside. Weirdest story I've read in a while. They think it might be related to the tsunami or a plane crash where the victims were never found. In the end I doubt that it's either, the DNA agrees with me so far. Maybe in the end God has decided that the people of British Columbia were becoming too complacent and needed something more to spark their interests. If that's the case I think it worked...

Did some gardening this weekend. It was actually very chill. Got myself some peppers planted. Also pumpkins, radishes, and carrots. I don't know how well they're all going to do, but I am holding out hope that the pumpkins make it into the beer at some point. hmmmm pumpkin beer...

The new Wolf Parade album, At Mount Zoomer, is awesome. All I've listened to for a week now...

Some strange people just showed up at my office. I'm not sure why they're here. But there is an older man with hair that flows half way down his back and a young man who seems to have spent more time in a tattoo parlor than he has in a school...

The sun is out. It's been a crap shoot lately. The yard needs to be mowed, but the gas can is empty. If the sun stays out I doubt that I'll make it to the gas station tonight. But if it rains I won't mow the lawn...

I'm rereading "White Noise", again. Anyone who hasn't read it, you should. Great book...

My dad is moving. I have to help him on wednesday. I don't have to help him move because he hired people to do it. But we have to move everything into the garage so the movers can move it...

My phone keeps ringing...

I love Optimus Prime. I think he's one of the best fictional character of all time. I have a co-worker who doesn't share this love. One day when things were slow he found a way to post a small piece of paper in my window, about 25 feet above the warehouse. Now everyday at work a metal face stares at me all day long. "Megatron is Watching"...

Turns out the strange people are related to my boss, go figure...

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