Tuesday, October 4, 2011

In the end, you'll never find

People for Puget Sound / Duwamish Alive have an event coming up. I'll be there. Will you?...

Yesterday at lunch I was sitting there thinking and an idea started to form in my head: "The true value in a society is not how large the economy or how many arms stand ready for battle; it is in the fundamental ideals that those people hold and to what extremes they will go to defend those values, be it from outside forces or corruption within." There were a lot of other things floating around in that thought process, but none of them clarified like that one did...

There's been some buzz going on with @MurdocGorillaz. I'm hoping this means that there's a new album in the works. However I'm a little concerned about "Gorillaz are TEN. Ten years old, eh? T.E.N. What’s that stand for? The End is Nigh…!" I'm not sure I can handle the Gorillaz breaking up just yet...

I follow this chicken on facebook. It bring me much amusement and it makes learning fun! And knowledge is power!!!

Here are some picture of my time at South Point, this might have been my favorite part about Hawaii:

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