Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's been so long...

It's been a while. I haven't had much access to a computer lately. Most of you already know, but I broke my foot two weeks ago. I went and drove a pick axe into it. Pretty painful, but things are on the up and up. I had surgery to screw it back together on monday and everything seems positive. If you want to see the xray and see some nonsense my dad's been spitting check it out here (I don't know who that kid is though)...

EAT MORE CHILI!!! Chili Cook Off was great! I hardly remember it from all the pain meds, but I have been reassured by many in attendance that a good time was had by all. Here's how the winners shaped up:

Traditional: David's "Smoke"
Standard: Ray and Jen's "Five Star Mango Mojito"
Vegetarian: Elizabeth's "Mystery Pepper Moli"
Experimental: Nathan's "Ostrichili"

Best in Show: Ray and Jen's "Five Star Mango Mojito"

I want to thank everyone for participating. I think that this year was by far the most competitive cook off to date. The only half assed attempt was my entry, but I had a good excuse...

I wish that I had some bacon right now. Hmmmm, bacon....

I'd like to give a quick nod to Arlen Specter. I know that he only did it to save his political life, but it's brought duly deserved attention to the fact that the Republican party is increasing becoming a regional party that is out of touch with the majority of the county. You all you should check out this article by Sen Olympia Snowe, I think that she hit the nail on the head and I wouldn't be surprised to find that she'll be leaving the republican ranks in the near future...

I love PBS. It's been my go to since I've become secluded and strange...

For my finale I'd like to give some shout outs:

Mickey, you've been awesome. My garden appreciates your liquid love and it's been nice to have some one to talk to at random times.

Elizabeth, afternoon cribbage in the sun was the best. Now I just need to get that tincture stuff from you so I can be up and running by the weekend!

Nathan, You better be ready for some Jeopardy craziness. I'm doing some serious boning... What is the Rhone? I'm also really looking forward to diving back into your fictitious world of fiction.

Rebecca (Sister), If it weren't for you I'd be wallowing in my own filth. My rooom mates are appreciative to I'm sure.

Rebecca, Thanks for cooking! I'm sure if I tried I'd break the new stove and burn down the house. And I don't think either of us will want to be around when Jeremy gets home after that.

Mom, the cookies were great! Thanks for checking in on me.

Lil Bro, Thanks for getting the stuff at the store for me. I was clueless before you came by that day.

David, I'm sorry. I know that you're getting screwed at work. When I get back I'll have to think of something spectacular to make it up to you.

Dad, where do I start? Thank you for the laptop, helping with the insurance forms, taking me to surgery, getting me crossword puzzles...and that's just in the last 4 days. You're so awesome. I really appreciate all of your help.

Mr. Sharp, where would I be without you. Well actually I can tell you. Probably still screaming in agony with a pick ax at my side. Your patience and selflessness has gone to further solidify in my world view why you are one of my favorite people. Thank you.


  1. What a lovely post! I will mix you up a Bach remedy stat but even flowers don't work THAT fast. I am down for some more cribbage this weekend though...

  2. Hee hee did you mean "boning up" when you said "I'm doing some serious boning"?
