Monday, October 20, 2008

What do you want to see from your city?

So I'm curious to know what the important city issues are in Seattle to everyone out there. Is it replacing the viaduct? Mass Transit? Protecting single family residences? Hit me up with all your comments. I'd like to get a broad range of opinions on this one so if you know anyone else who might not already be reading this blog that has some input forward them a link! Thanks.


  1. i'd really like to see the legaslization of prostitution and cannabalism..

  2. Swirly Joe - I've already told you. NO PROSTITUTION and NO CANNIBALISM!!!!

  3. Personally, i am going to make it my number one priority to bring and end to this crip McCain/Palin gang thats been sweeping the nation.

    The other issue i have is clean coal technology. There is no such thing as clean coal technology!

    Golden parachutes really bother me also. Tax the rich so that i can eat!

  4. Actually, legalizing prostitution would be a wise move from all practical standpoints.

    For me a huge issue is transportation. What's going to happen with light rail? Will the voters pass yet another Sound Transit tax increase? (I turn my absentee ballot into the embassy tomorrow...) You can't grow a city without quality transportation, and I'm all for growing our urban spaces. If we aren't going to have children, we need new recruits from the country.

    Screw the viaduct - it's fine, or at least that's what independent engineers say (emphasis on INDEPENDENT.)

  5. Matt, you're comments are more based on a national level. I'm looking for feed back on a city level. But thanks anyways.

    Elizabeth, In terms of transportation. What do you see as the most beneficial services? More buses? More light rail? Street cars? The other question would be how to we implement this in a way that isn't going to take 20 years. We really need to solutions now. The problem is I'm not even sure how you make that happen. Maybe through further encouraging ride share options until the transit frame work is laid? Is there a "quick option" here?

    As for prostitution - there will be a new blog to address this...
