Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Can the fall of the Republican party lead to the dissolution of the United States?

There's been a lot of talk in the news about the state of the Republican party. I have read many accounts the suggest if McCain/Palin fail to defy the polls and win the election it will lead to the dissolution of the Republican party as we know it today. Now for me this sounds fairly plausible. Even half of the Republicans out there are unhappy with where the party has gone. Now there are a lot of fingers getting pointed and a lot of blame being thrown around, but in the end it comes down to one thing: the Republican party lost its values when it gained power. Something about the first years of the new millenium lead them to act irresponibly and at times criminally. And now as the dust settles on the Bush legacy all I can say is: GOP RIP.

Now the big question that comes out of this is what happens to American politics? We have long had a two party system, and that doesn't work with only one major party. The after math of the Republican fall out will most likely lead to the formation of two parties. One catering to the social conservative and evangelicals. Another for the fiscal conservatives who embrace liberal social ideals (ie climate change or right to choice). This I think should be welcomed by our political system and you may also find that many so-called Democrats would take a long look at the new options and a good number of them shift, leading to a greater balance between the parties and more options for the electorate. WIN WIN for America.

The real quesiton is what happens next. Now just based on the three party possiblity I've proposed, you have to assume that two of those parties will become over dominate to the third. The most likely to become the minority would be the social conservatives (that's just how the country is moving). Can this group of Americans accept a country that isn't moving in the direction that they want to see? Or are we going to see an increase in "domestic terrorism" (ie Timothy McVeigh)? Will a lack of dominance in government lead them to serious talks of succession?

I'd love to get everyones input on this. So feel free to comment.


  1. Suprise Suprise, I don't agree with your assesment of the Republican party going down the tubes. I know you depise Sarah Palin but you must see that she brings energy to the conservative base. I believe, if McCain fails to get elected, that people like Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal (Gov. of Louisanna) and others will step up. Reagan said, and rightly so, if you want less of something tax it. Do we really want less income or capital?

    If the Republican party of today is replaced with one that harkens back to say Reagan then that would bode well for those that are truly conservatives first and
    Republicans second. President Bush has lost his way. I suspect, at least in part, from 9-11. He's too scared to lead effectively. His complete lack of retraint in spending is appalling. We need to do what I've had to do in my personal 1. Stop spending money I don't have and 2. Pay off all the debt I've collected. If this country's tax collection system was changed to a comsumption basis then we could encourage savings and discourage reckless spending from the top to the bottom. We could once again become the "Greatest Loaning" country instead of the "Greatest Debtor" nation. The fairtax would be a great egine for the economy and environment in that it would release the capital needed to promote both concerns.Reagan said if you want less of something then tax it. True enough. Do we really want less income and capital. I hope not, but if so then I would imagine parties are in DEEP kaka.

  2. I think that you're missing the main point here. Judging by your comment I would consider you to be a fiscal conservative. Now how many people out there agree with you on this point, but also believe in a woman's right to choose? Or how many other fiscal conservatives think that climate change is a natural occurrence? or man made? There are too many major issues that are pulling the Republican party in different directions. And as for Gov Palin taking over, God help us all. She represents the ultra conservative right wing, when the large number of people voting republican are center to center-right. What happens to all those people?

  3. First of all, Adam, i think you are a dreamer. More power to you but i dont think your ideas are spot on.

    When McSame and Palin fail, the repub. party will work to regroup. That is a fact. This is typical, cyclical 2 party politics. I would be willing to wager that this shift toward democrats is largely in response to the current administration, the corruption, definitely the state of the ecomony, and on and on. Howere, i would argue that if the democrats win and take over congress, we will see change, and laws and policies enacted which will inevitably enrage the conservatives, building more strength for the right wings, leading to an eventual repub. win in the presidency. Typical politics. You cant make everybody happy, ever, especially not when one party is in control of the entire gov.

    As far as climate change goes. We are in a recession one that could be as severe as the great depression. Nobody is spending money. They definitely arent going to spend unprecidented amounts on fixing the environment during economic times like this. Environmental stewardship is a luxury for the rich, who have there needs met and require other things to fill there time with. I think most people agree that the environment is important, but when you ask people to volunteer there time or give there hard earned money to do something about it you may be surprised to see what results. I think this is going to be an uphill battle all the way. We will with out a doubt see major environmental changes take place with in our lifetimes. NO question. I think its nice to hear politicians talk about there plans but i dont put a whole lot of faith behind the rehtoric.

    I doubt that Roe vs. Wade will be over turned. I guess its possible but i really doubt it. Definitely wont happen if the democrats take over congress.
