Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Can the fall of the Republican party lead to the dissolution of the United States?

There's been a lot of talk in the news about the state of the Republican party. I have read many accounts the suggest if McCain/Palin fail to defy the polls and win the election it will lead to the dissolution of the Republican party as we know it today. Now for me this sounds fairly plausible. Even half of the Republicans out there are unhappy with where the party has gone. Now there are a lot of fingers getting pointed and a lot of blame being thrown around, but in the end it comes down to one thing: the Republican party lost its values when it gained power. Something about the first years of the new millenium lead them to act irresponibly and at times criminally. And now as the dust settles on the Bush legacy all I can say is: GOP RIP.

Now the big question that comes out of this is what happens to American politics? We have long had a two party system, and that doesn't work with only one major party. The after math of the Republican fall out will most likely lead to the formation of two parties. One catering to the social conservative and evangelicals. Another for the fiscal conservatives who embrace liberal social ideals (ie climate change or right to choice). This I think should be welcomed by our political system and you may also find that many so-called Democrats would take a long look at the new options and a good number of them shift, leading to a greater balance between the parties and more options for the electorate. WIN WIN for America.

The real quesiton is what happens next. Now just based on the three party possiblity I've proposed, you have to assume that two of those parties will become over dominate to the third. The most likely to become the minority would be the social conservatives (that's just how the country is moving). Can this group of Americans accept a country that isn't moving in the direction that they want to see? Or are we going to see an increase in "domestic terrorism" (ie Timothy McVeigh)? Will a lack of dominance in government lead them to serious talks of succession?

I'd love to get everyones input on this. So feel free to comment.

Nursery Rhymes are good for adults too.

I think that it would benefit all of you out there to take the time today and read a nursery rhyme today. Here are a few recommendations: "Hey Diddle Diddle", "Baa Baa Black Sheep", "Hickory Dickory Dock", "Little Miss Muffet", "Rub a Dub Dub".

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What if we had an election and everyone showed up?

It goes to show the sorry state of the American experiment in democracy when the statement above insights fear in voting officials. These people need to do everything that they can to encourage all Americans to vote.

*Note I'm not sure why this wasn't published on it's original date, so I'm doing so now.*

I am my own wife.

Just wanted to through that one out there.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Prostitution and Cannibalism

I can't believe that I'm even going to post this blog but here goes...

What is everyone's opinion on prostitution? I've heard a lot about this in the last couple days and am interested to know where you all stand. Should we legalize prostitution? If so do we just open up the market and let it run its course or should it be state regulated in the same way we regulate liquor here in Washington? Or should we continue on with our current plan which hopes to eliminate the oldest profession known to mankind?

Now I think this one is a no brainer but Swirly keeps bringing it up. Where does everyone stand on Cannibalism?

One more does everyone feel about this interactive blogging? I think I might do more of it.

Monday, October 20, 2008

What do you want to see from your city?

So I'm curious to know what the important city issues are in Seattle to everyone out there. Is it replacing the viaduct? Mass Transit? Protecting single family residences? Hit me up with all your comments. I'd like to get a broad range of opinions on this one so if you know anyone else who might not already be reading this blog that has some input forward them a link! Thanks.