Saturday, June 11, 2011

Deja Vu

I've seen this in person before. I'm not going to name names. You now who you are.

Also, you should check out this site, internet k-hole, great stuff.

Monday, June 6, 2011

God Bless the 7

So I'm on the 7 coming back from lunch and this guy next to me asks if he can use my cell phone. Now I never let anyone use my phone I don't know after one time I did and dudes parole officer called me for days afterwards. So I politely say no. Now two stops later a bunch of people get on the bus. Did I mention I'm sharing a seat with this guy? I'm on the aisle side. Now these people get on, and he seems to know all of them. I don't exactly understand why, because everything was jovial, but he pulled a blade on one of his friends. He then says, "hey man, can I use your phone, this guy (puts the knife right up in my face) won't let me use his." I slightly taken back before I say, "are you threatening to knife me on the bus?" To which he replies, "oh no, I'd never." I then promptly moved to a different seat on the bus. It's something to blog about if nothing else.

Friday, June 3, 2011

"Thank God that wasn't real"

I don't know how else to say this so I'm just going to copy the chat dialog from my explaining it a moment ago:

I had the most fucked up dream last night
it all seemed so real that when I woke up I actually said out loud, "thank god that wasn't real"
Aliens had invaded
and they were snatchin' people up and destroying the place
Durango got blasted with a rocket
blown to smithereens
we kept wondering if he was really dead
or just taken somewhere else
but the explosion led us to believe he was no more, so it goes
They kept trying to abduct Wes, but we hid him in a closet
a magic closet of sorts
Then we met these guys who had this giant suitcase labeled "rations"
so we fought them for it and won
however when we opened it up it was empty
and the guys we attacked were all tied up, and they seemed to have troll faces
not real ones, but just the slight hint, you know, like that Solo pic
we all ended up in this lounge like thing
there was like 30 people there
we were all forming a resistance faction
but all the liquor was gone
except for a 1/2 gal of Rum
which you happily passed to me
and i mixed with diet dr pepper
Then I woke up.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wes goes to Folk Life!

I could write about what all happened while we were there, but it was pretty standard. Lots of dirty hippies that aren't really hippies, more just confused teenagers grasping for any sense of counter culture that might exist. If you've ever been you know exactly what I'm talking about. We also went down to the beach by the sculpture park. Good times. 

Wes kickin' it with MNom
"Come on honey, let's go look at the birdie"
Seattle Dog
Wes made a friend!
Yuck! However, I have no idea what he put in his mouth