Friday, September 19, 2008

Let's make some headlines

Sorry for the recent lack of activity. I don't really have a good excuse. But I read a post in a facebook group today and I think it's a damn fine idea....

This comes from the group 1,000,000 Strong Against Sarah Palin from Jonah Weinberg (Cleveland, OH)


Instead of, or perhaps in addition to, forwarding emails to like-minded friends about how horrible Sarah Palin is as a choice for VP, or leader of anything, why not put your gall to some use, and make a donation to Planned Parenthood, in Sarah Palin's name?

The best part is, when you make a donation to PP in her name, they'll send her a card telling her that the donation has been made in her honor.

Here's the link to the honorary donations section of the Planned Parenthood website:

You'll need to fill in the address to let PP know where to send the "in Sarah Palin's honor" card, and the best address to use would be the national McCain/Palin campaign headquarters:

McCain for President
1235 S. Clark Street, 1st Floor
Arlington , VA 22202

P.S. Make sure you use that link above or choose the “Honorary or Memorial Donations,” not the regular "Donate Online," or you won’t be able to let her know you care.


So everyone out there open up your pocket books, even just a little, in hopes that before the election we could make the headline, "Honorary Palin donations set record for Planned Parenthood".

Obama/Biden 08!

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