Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"It's alphabetical by date"

I don't care what Reno thinks, Seattle is the biggest small town in America. It's a crazy interwoven web we weave here. Can help but wonder if this really is the promised land and we're all working in the same Karass. It's probably just coincidence...

If you're not already familiar with Lights from Space you should check them out. Decent local band that plays lots of shows in the area and they're always worth seeing...

It's a New Wave kind of day...

For those of you who haven't seen yet:

I'll spare you all the one on Michael Vick's head. It's not really safe for life...

When I woke up this morning I had the phrase "One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them," stuck in my head. I'm not sure why, but my first reaction was to search my room for some kind of ring as it continually looped in my head. There was no ring to be found. I have no idea what I'd been dreaming...

We're having an 80s theme party this Saturday. I'm not exactly sure what that means. I've been trying to figure out what it means to "dress 80s" but I can't seem to wrap my brain around it. I figure I'll just end up ignoring the theme or coming up with something extremely lame. That's just how I roll...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Purple Monkey Dishwasher

I used to read the news a lot. It was nice to feel like I was informed about what was going on. I quit reading the news for the most part a few weeks back. It all just got to be too depressing. With the internet and cable news channels it seems that the media is more just trying to create sensational stories than actually trying to inform. A perfect example is this whole nonsense about the satellite falling to earth. It probably happened just like Homer Simpson had foreseen the landing of Bart's Comet, "What's everyone so worked up about? So there's a comet -- big deal. It'll burn up in our atmosphere and what's ever left will be no bigger than a chihuahua's head." Let's all start combing the Pacific for a chihuahua head...

I have a mohawk now. Have had one for a while now, July I guess is when I did it originally. It was only intended to be around for a weekend. It's been growing on me though. However it's demise is already scheduled. I'll try to get a good pic of it before it goes away to share with all of you beautiful people...

I'm listening to Hole right now. At first I was doing it for the lulz but I'm actually kind of enjoying it. Go figure...

Monday, September 26, 2011

And you thought I'd gone away forever

You wouldn't be so lucky...

Lots of things to catch up on I guess. Instead of doing that I'm just going to forget all that nonsense and move on. Well I'm sure I'll mention some stuff that happened, but I'm not going to itemize the whole summer for you. It's been a solid two months since the last post and even longer since I actually kept up on this. Wanna fight about? Didn't think so...

Sometimes when I want to include a picture in a blog post I'll just google image the title of the post. Here's a couple of things that came up today:

I went to the Huskies game on Saturday (GO DAWGS!!!!) and saw a rather strange thing. They had three students lined up on sidelines and during one of the commercial breaks each of these students was handed a small bear of honey. Then they were timed to see who could drink the most honey in 30 seconds. I was very disappointed when they actually started drinking the honey and not rubbing it all over themselves...

I really want to include a picture with that last blurb, but I'm not sure it's safe to google "rubbing honey on self" while I'm at work. Okay I did it anyways. No results found unless you remove the quotes and then it doesn't even make sense...

We were going to read Infinite Jest in a book club. That all kind of fell through, however I decided to keep reading. It's getting pretty confusing, but I think I'm following along. If anyone else is reading it let me know. I'm sure we could come up with some great conversation.

I'd also like to congratulate all the other winners at yesterday's chili cook off. I may not have taken Best in Show, but I'm glad to have at least been on top of my category. EAT MORE CHILI!!!!

I stole this photo from Joseph. I'm hoping he doesn't mind too much.

While I was in Hawaii (yeah, I went to Hawaii, wanna fight about it?) we got a chance to tour the Puʻu ʻŌʻō Lava Tubes (sorry can't find a link, but I assure you it exists). It's pretty exclusive. They only allow 12 people a week to see the lava tube. The entire thing is perfectly pristine, so they restrict the area to ensure it's beauty. I have to say it was unreal. The variety of formations that exist there was awesome. I've been to a good number of caves now, but I think this one takes the cake. So if any of you are going to be going out there let me know and I'll hook ya up with the details. Well worth the time. It's also so underground I wouldn't be offended if someone photo shopped hipster glasses onto my face.